New york pt 2

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Dylan's pov:

I wake up and walk out of her room to get something to drink. I see her dad there and he glared at me. "Why are you doing this to my baby" he says I roll my eyes. "What do you mean"

"You broke her heart and didn't care so stop acting like all of a sudden you care about her now" he whisper yelled. "I've always cared about her I wanted to apologize after what I did but I kept chickening out til almost a year ago and you abused her for a while and took your brothers side when she said he raped her and when had bruises to prove it" I said.

"You don't love her if you did you would leave her alone she deserves a better man"

"And she deserves a better father I might not be perfect but she feels safe with me and I wouldn't let anyone hurt her and I love her that's why im not making the mistake of leaving again"

I was walking back to her room when I laid down and I fell asleep.


I sat in my room the day after ellie came to give my stuff back. I've been crying sense. "Julia please come here" I yelled and she came into my room. "What big crybaby"

"I want help to get her back I made a mistake and graduation is in 3 days" I said. "Apologize tell her your an idiot"

"What if she doesn't want me back"

"Then she doesn't but at least she'll know your sorry" I shake my head. "I don't know what to say to her" she rolls her eyes and looks at me.

"Dylan just admit you lost the love of your life because your an idiot I love you cause your my brother but you made a dumb decision only thing you can do now is move on or apologize" she hugs me and goes to walk out.

"Will you tell her something" I whispered. She nodded and smiled. "Tell her that I'm sorry"

She nodded and walked out of my room.

I saw Ellie the next day and I went up to her. "El hey"

She ignored me and tried not to stare at me. "Ellie I'm sorry I'm an idiot I love you I do but I just felt like it was a bad time I don't know but please take me back I miss you"

She looked at me like she's been crying she wasn't wearing any makeup which made her look even more beautiful then ever. "You look beautiful by the way I always loved when you never wore makeup" I whispered and started she to tear up. Shit.

That's when Brooklyn came up. "Dylan get the fuck away from her" she said anger laced her voice.

"Brooklyn I'm trying to get her back" she shakes her head and grabs ellie. "Leave her alone you've hurt her enough don't you think" she said again and walked away with Ellie. Great I just lost the girl I loved most in this world.

*flashback over*

Ellie's pov:

I wake up to something around my waist. Today was Christmas Eve and me and Julie

(in the story I'm have Ellie call her Julie instead of Julia idk why mainly bc auto correct so)

Are going Christmas shopping for our family k have a gift for my mom and dad and Julie but I wanted to get Dylan and the rest of their family one. Only person who doesn't get one is my uncle.

I try to get up when I get pulled back down. "Babeee" I hear Dylan say. I smile and turn to him. "I have plans today I need to get ready for"

"Plans with who?" He looked confused. "Your sister" he sighed and I laughed at him. "What!" He asked. "Your cute when your worried" he smiles and I lean in and kiss him. We start to makeout but before we could get anymore heated i got up. "Babyyyy" he whines. I grab a shirt and a bra and I had an idea to shut him up. I started taking off my shirt. I mean he's been inside of me and he's seen me naked so what's the problem. "Woah! Babe warn me I wasn't ready to look away" he says turning around. "It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before"

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