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'Another day' y/n thought with a smile as she woke up with a stretch.
Sliding on her boots, she whipped her hat off its hanger and stuffed her daggers in her boots.

Looking to her left, she stifled a laugh as her panda best friend rolled over with drool in his mouth.
"Po! Wake up" she heard their dad yell from down stairs.

Grabbing a plank of wood, she surfed down the stairs and landed right in the kitchen.
"Morning dad! You wont believe what i dreamed about!" She gushed, already taking out plates and making the noodles.

"Ah, y/n! Good morning to you too! What did you dream about?" The Goose asked with an eager smile, making more noddles and handing them to the customers.

"I had the GREATEST dream about noodles! I could practically taste the soba in my mouth!" She answered handing the noodles over to a smiling customer.

"AH! I was waiting for this day to come! YOU'VE HAD THE NOODLE DREAM!" He spoke excitedly, jumping around

The two smiled at each other and started talking about noodles while serving the customers.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Mr.Ping, her dad, spoke.

"Po! Your gonna be late!" He shouted upstairs
"Would you like me to go get him?" Y/n smiled convincingly

"If you don't mind dear" her dad answered with a guilty smile.
'Alright!' Y/n cheered in her head.
"On it!" She yelled, racing upstairs.

"Po! What are you doing up there?" Mr. Ping yelled out one final time

"Uh, nothing!" Came Po's reply

Y/n, who was leaned against the door, held in a laugh as the panda got up and ran over to his furious five figurines.

"Hi-ya! Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! Grrraahh—" Po stops halfway as a pig who was watering her flowers watches slightly disturbed

"Ha..heh" Po awkwardly laughs, trying to play it cool before ducking out of sight.

Not being able to hold it in anymore, y/n begins to laugh.

Po spins around to her and pouts.

Y/n was doubled over with laughter.
"Alright big guy, your late again" she chuckled, leading him downstairs.

"Right!" He exclaimes before tripping and sliding down the stairs.

"Pffttt" y/n put her hand to her mouth.

"Sorry, Dad." Po speaks, dusting himself off the ground

"Sorry' doesn't make the noodles." Mr ping speaks, poking his head out from around a large bag of flour.

"What were you doing up there, all that noise?" Their dad asks

"Oh, nothing. Just had a crazy dream." Po speaks

Y/n chuckles to herself.
"Crazyyyyy dream" she nudged the panda.

Po looks over to her and picks her up, "yep, sooo crazy"

The two laugh

"Hmmm, so what was this crazzyyyy dream about?" Mr ping asks with a raised brow

"Huh?" Po looks over to y/n to see if she can come up with an excuse

"What were you dreaming about?" Mr Ping asks once again, putting down the basket and beginning to chop vegetables next to Po as he listens.

"What was I...? Uh... I was dreaming about..."
Po looks over to y/n.

'Is he seriously asking me?' Y/n thought with a smirk.

Grabbing some chopsticks, she acts like she's eating noodles.

" Uh... noodles." Po answers unsurely

"Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?" Their dad speaks, stopping chopping vegetables

"Uh, yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?" Po continues, looking at y/n for confirmation

"Po, your shruiken .." y/n speaks, pointing at the throwing star in a customers noodles.

"Oh, careful, that soup is... sharp!" Po warns the customer which had walked away without a care

"Oh, happy day! My son, finally having the noodle dream! And my daughter too!!!"

Mr Ping begins rummaging through something and arrives with an apron and a noodle hat. He ties the apron around Po's waist and places the noodle hat in Po's paws.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment. This is a sign, Po! Y/n!"

"Uh... a sign of what?" Po begins, looking at the noodle hat nervously

"You two are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my "Secret Ingredient Soup". And then you two will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!" He cheered

Y/n cheered along with him.
"Yay! Of course I will!" She smiles, placing on an apron, mr ping smiles at her widely.

"Just as I took it over from my father, who took it over from his father, who won it from a friend in a game of mahjong." Mr ping explains

"Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream." Po chuckles nervously

"No, it was the dream. We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins." Mr ping exaggerates, pulling y/n into a side hug

Y/n smiled teasingly at Po.
"The dreammmm" she laughs out, moving her hands in a semi circle.

"But Dad, didn't you ever, I dunno, want to do something else? Something besides noodles?" Po asked, sending y/n a playful glare

"Actually, when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu." Mr ping speaks as he hands y/n a knife.

Y/n spins the knife and flips it up in the air, then jumping onto the counter, she slices the vegetables with precision.

"So why didn't you?!" Po asks

"Oh, because it was a stupid dream. Can you imagine me making tofu? No. We all have our place in this world. Mine is here. And yours is—"

"I know. Is here." Po butts in

"No, it's at tables two, five, seven, and twelve. Service with a smile!" Mr ping stacks Po's arms with noodles before pulling his cheeks into a smile

Y/n snickers.

"Oh, you too young lady" mr ping then hands her a tray of refreshments.

Po then snickers at her misfortune.

"Keep laughing popo, but your the one with the most plates" she sticks her tongue out at him.

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