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"Relax, your safe in here" mantis patted the feline on the shoulder as she tensely lay on a mat.
Y/n sighed, furrowed her brows before forcefully commanding her body to relax.

Mantis sighed after and took out his acupuncture quills.
"You know, Y/n, we want you to feel safe around us..." mantis spoke, a soft blush dusting his cheeks as a few weeks after po defeated tai lung the two had become good friends, Y/n sought him for comfort and relaxation quite often while mantis was more than glad to offer it to her.

"I know, i know, its just... its hard to get rid of a habit you've always had" Y/n breathed out, turning her head to gaze at mantis.
The said creature casting her a sad gaze.
"Not must have been naive and relaxed at some point in your life"

"Perhaps back when i was a kitten.- OW!" Y/n dug her claws into the mat and gave mantis a look, to which he replied with a guilty shrug.

"Just relax this one time, Y/ trust me don't you? I promise nothing will happen to you"

Y/n blinked before nodding slowly and placing her head down on the pillow, a small blush dusting her cheeks.
Mantis skilfully worked to place the pins onto the acupuncture points of the cat, Y/n's body becoming more and more relaxed.
Mantis smiled softly as he heard the soft breaths of the feline, indicating Y/n was asleep.

It made mantis feel good that Y/n trusted him so much, it reminded him of the progress he had made since he met her when she didn't even want to stand near him for 2 seconds and now she was comfortable enough around him that she could lower her guard and relax.

Mantis carefully took out the needles after an hour when the time was up, sitting down next to the mat Y/n was on and reading a book with a pair of glasses on.

It didn't take long for Y/n to wake up after that, surprise was shown on her face when she realised she really did fall asleep in mantis' room.

"Did you have a good rest?" Mantis spoke, lifting his gaze from the book.
Y/n smiled happily which was quite out of character for her and nodded her head.

"That's new, did you use a new acupuncture technique today?" Y/n asked confused at how relaxed she felt.
"Nope, guess you do trust me a lot" mantis chuckled and teased.

Y/n coughed at the new revelation before turning her head to the side in slight embarrassment, trying to look as if it didn't matter.

Mantis closed his book and placed it onto the floor, making his way out of the room.
"I want to show you a new place i found... follow me" he looked back to Y/n.

Y/n blinked in surprise before following after him.
Mantis led the two through many bushes and down the mountain through the opposite side she had never been on and through a cave, leading them through some hanging vines.

Y/n covered her eyes with her arm and squinted at the sudden newfound brightness in the middle of the night.
When her eyes adjusted, a gasp left her lips.

"What do you think?" Mantis spoke, just as amazed at the beauty of the scenery before him, no matter how many times he had come here it never got old.

"It's..its beautiful" Y/n uttered breathlessly

Before them was a small pool of colourful coral and small fish swimming around as the moon light reflected off the cove.
A tree leaned into the water, the tips of its branches just barely scraping the surface of the water, the trees beautiful flowers softly falling into the water and floating across the body of water before getting stuck in a small group of lilies which lined a side of the pond.

A small waterfall allowed water to flow into the pond and little bushes were scattered around the small clearing.

"How'd you find this place..." Y/n whispered, sitting down.

"A few nights after i first met you, i stumbled across here when i tried to tell monkey to settle down on teasing po" mantis rubbed his head.

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me, you've done so much more for me.."


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