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Y/n walked into a training hall with her head held high, the furious five were going on it in the obstacle course, dodging flames and axes, keeping their balance on rotating bowls and also swinging.

Po and Shifu walked in after her, both taking in the scene before Shifu tensed and turned to Po, making sure y/n wouldn't be able to attack him.

"Let's begin." Shifu spoke, gesturing to the course

"Wait wait wait! What? Now?" Po backed away nervously as y/n narrowed her eyes at the red panda.

"Yes, now. Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong, and you are not the Dragon Warrior?..."

Shifu taunted, seeming to forget that y/n was behind him until his head lurched forward with the sound of fur slapping fur as y/n's tail came into harsh contact of his he'd.

"Oh, okay. Well... I don't know if I can do all of those moves..." po turned to y/n who gave him an encouraging smile

"Well, if we don't try, we'll never know, will we?" Shifu spoke, rubbing the back of his head

"Uh, yeah. It's just— maybe we can find something more suited to my level..." Po mumbled

"And what level is that?"

"Well, ya know... I'm not a master, but uh, let's just start at zero. Level Zero." Po mumbled, a little embarrassed

"There's nothing wrong with level zero" y/n smiled at him

"There is no such thing as Level Zero." Shifu turned to look at y/n with a scowl

"Hey! Maybe I can start with that!" Po interrupted their glaring contest by running over and pointing to a hideous dummy which had a wide smile drawn on its face.

"That? We use that for training children. And for propping the door open when it's hot. But if you insist..." Shifu smirked cruelly, earning him another hit from y/n.

The five took notice of them and stopped their training to crowd around to see what was happening.

"Whoa. The Furious Five. You're so much bigger than your action figures — except for you, Mantis. You're about the same." Po fanboyed, pointing at each one.

Y/n snorted but immediately went to cover it up, it didn't go unnoticed by the five who glared at po for making them seem like fools in front of the pretty female.

"Go ahead, panda. Show us what you can do." Shifu spoke up, giving Po a nudge

"Um, are they going to watch. Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something?..." Po hesitated, looking more nervous.

"Hit it." Shifu commanded, y/n wasted no time in smacking him again.

"OW! WOULD YOU STOP THAT, WOMAN!" Shifu yelled at her, rubbing his head.

Y/n's eyes turned to slits as she bared her sharp teeth.
Shifu gulped and immediately turned away.

"Okay. I mean I just ate, so I'm still digesting. So my kung fu might not be as good as later on..." Po murmured, stalling his time

"Just hit it!" Y/n went to hit the red panda again, only for him to be prepared, he grabbed her tail with a smug look, only for it to be wiped off immediately as she flipped her tail and Shifu was sent tumbling upside down.

The five watched in awe as their untouchable teacher was bested once again by the small feline.

"Alright... Whatcha got? You got nothin' 'cause I got it right here. You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel the thunder. I'm comin' at him with the crazy feet. Whatcha gonna do about my crazy feet? I'm a blur. I'm a blur. You never seen bear style, you only seen praying Mantis! OR... I could come at you Monkey style. Oooooh oooh  OR... I'm comin' at ya snikity-snake..."

Po rambled as he pranced around the dummy, y/n cringed finding it hard to watch, the furious five looked mildly disturbed and Shifu was once again loosing his patience.

"Would you just hit it!?"

Y/n slowly turned her head to the shaking red panda who sweat dropped at her glare, before swiping his legs from under him and aiming a kick to his face that he was barely able to dodge.

Po and the furious five watched in awe of the female.

"Alright... Alright." Po breathed out
He hesitantly hit the dummy as it rocked in place.

"Why don't you try again? A little harder." Shifu snickered

"Ask again and I'LL hit you a little harder" y/n hissed

Po hit the dummy again, full strength

"How's tha—"he was cut off by the dummy smacking him back right in the face as he stumbled backwards, tripped over his feet and ended up tumbling into the training course.

Y/n sighed before casting a glare at the Red panda who looked quite smug, too smug.
Y/n promised herself that one day she would throw him off a cliff.

Po struggled to balance on the serpent logs, and eventually ends up doing a painful split on two of them.

"Ow! Oh, that hurts!" Po cut her out of her daze as she turned back to her brother.

"Ow, those are hard! Ooh! I think I—"

"Oooohoohoo... my tenders." Y/n winced as she watched her brother flail around

"Uh oh." Po spoke as he ended up in the fire zone.

He sound around before fire shot up in his face and singed his fur and he crawled out of the corse with his hair on fire.

"How did I do?" Po asked gasping for air
Y/n licked her paws before putting out the flame on Po's head

"There is now a Level Zero." Shifu spoke

Y/n turned to him with a dark look, pushing Po behind her.
"There was ALWAYS a level zero" she hissed

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