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"Take a normal kid, raise them up and give them respect and friendship and they will fight alongside with you. Do the same for a loser who had no-one and they will die for you"
this is sort of like y/n and Po.
Y/n had no one but was then taken in by mr ping and Po.


Y/n laughs at Po's misery as he tries to squeeze through the tables and gets stuck in between one.

"Hey, watch it Po!" A pig customer yells, pulling his bowl of noodles towards himself.

"Oh, sorry. Suck it up—" Po sucks in his stomach until his face turns red and tries to squeeze through the tables.

Though in his attempt to get unstuck, his tail decides to take a bath in a rabbit family's noodles.
The rabbit mothers gasps and the children begin to wail.

Y/n snickers at Po's suffering.

"Oops, sorry! A thousand pardons..." Po apologises, making his way out of the two tables.

Y/n shakes her head and grabs a bowl from where her father was serving.
Swapping the bowl out with the one Po accidentally placed his tail in.
The rabbit children stopped wailing at the sight of a new bowl.

"Apologies, here is your new bowl" she smiled before walking over to Po as a gong sounds near the entrance of the restaurant.

A couple of pig servants stick a poster onto the wall and leave.
Po immediately rushes over to the poster, dragging y/n along with him.

"Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior. Today! Everyone! Everyone! Go, get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is going to get the Dragon Scroll!" Po yells out, shaking from excitement and starts shooing the customers out of the restaurant

Their dad looks up from the counter in confusion.
Y/n shakes her head in annoyance.

"We've been waiting a thousand years for this — just take the bowl!"
Po shoves the noodles into a costumers arms and pushes them out

"This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Don't worry about it, just go!"
He then shoved a rabbit customers money back into his hands and starts following out of the restaurant.

"Po! Where are you going?" Mr ping asks, looking over to y/n who had her feet planted into the ground, refusing to go see the furious five.

Po slowly turns around to face his dad.

"To the... Jade Palace?... " Po speaks unsurely as he Inches slightly out of door.

"But you're forgetting your noodle cart! The whole Valley will be there, and you'll sell noodles to all of them!" Mr ping pushes a heavy cart stacked with noodles towards him

"Selling noodles? But Dad, I was kinda thinking maybe I—"

"Yeah?" Mr ping asks while smiling

"I was kinda thinking maybe I..." po begins but stops seeing the happy look on his dads face

"Uh-huh?" Mr ping asks still smiling

"...could also sell the bean buns. They're-they're about to go bad." Po sighs out

"That's my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!" Mr pings smiles, going back into the shop to get the buns.

"Yeah, heh heh, glad I had it." Po sighs out

Y/n facepalms in disappointment before turning to Po slowly.
"Go, it's your dream isn't it? I'll take care of the cart" she smiles turning towards Po.

"Really!?" Po asks with a wide smile, jumping on his toes in happiness

"Yeah, bring me back a souvenir, big guy" she chuckles as po nods and rushes off.


Y/n huffs as she glares at the long line of stairs that she would have to push her cart up on.
Slowly pulling the cart up on the railing, her muscles scream at her.
Now not needing to shove the cart up the stairs, she slowly pushes it up the steep concrete.

"Huffff....at this point the door will be closed...oh well...better for me, I don't have to see the stupid five" she grumbles as she pushes up the cart even more.

"I'll just...huff...sell the noodles when they leave....hufff" she speaks to herself

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