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"Sorry, Y/n" two pig villagers pass her as she is at the halfway mark of the staircase.

"We'll bring you back a souvenir." The other one calls sympathetically

Y/n smiles sweetly before pushing the cart and rolling her eyes.
"Pfft..I didn't even want to go in the first place" she grumbles.

The cart slips and starts heading backward, lashing out her sword, y/n jabs it into the concrete unaware of the curious gaze that is sent her way from up above.

Crane stares at the beautiful feline down below in curiosity.
His wings beating in the air to keep him up silently.
Y/n slips again but this time takes out a dagger and grabs a rope, tying the rope to her waist, she uses the daggers to help her scale up the steep railing of the stairs.

Crane smirks with a small blush.
"Daggers? Swords? What a strange kitty.."

Up in the arena, shift commands the place pigs and geese but stops as oogway walks down the stairs.

"It is an historic day — isn't it, Master Oogway?" The red panda begins, turning towards the tortoise

"Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see. Are your students ready?" Oogway begins

"Yes, Master Oogway." Shifu announces as crane lands back onto the ground with a flap of his wings.

"Now know this, old friend. Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the Valley, but also to you." The tortoise places his finger on shifu's heart before retracting it and turning.

Shifu stares in confusion as oogway walks off before turning towards the crowd.
The crowd cheers and a palace pig strikes the gong.

"Let the tournament begin!" The announcer yells out as the doors begin to close.

Back with y/n who had almost made it up the stairs.
She huffed as she finally pulled the cart up the final stair, shaking off the dirt on her fur, she hopped off the railing, dragging the noodle cart with her.

Looking up, her eyes widened as Po lay on the ground in despair .
'So he didn't make it...' y/n thought in pity for her panda best friend.

"Po..." she begins as he turns to her with a determined face.

"Citizens of the Valley of Peace!" Shift begins inside the arena

Po runs up to a small circular window, jumps and grabs it, and struggles to pull himself up and see inside. Y/n rolls her eyes and grabs a crate and pulls it under Po's feet.

"It is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! The Furious Five!"

Po laughs in delight as his idols leap onto the scene in a stunning display of kung fu prowess. Master Crane flaps his wings and sends a powerful gust of wind into the arena.
Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Oh, it's the Furious Five—"

Po begins but falls backwards as the flap from cranes wings shuts the window in his face.

"Oh, ah! Peeky-hole! " po calls out, finding a gap in the doors and pressing his face towards it.

y/n huffs in annoyance and go's to sit down and meditate on her noodle cart, she couldn't care less on what was going on in the arena unlike po.

"Yeah! Woo! The Thousand Tongues of Fire!" Po laughs and y/n's eye twitched at the noise.

"Whoa, look at that! " a pig steps in po's view

"Hey, get out of the way!" Po yells in annoyance

Po hears a firing sound, looks up, and sees Crane being surrounded by fireworks. He keeps backing up so he can see the spectacle, but backs up too much and tumbles down the stairs again. By the time he gets back up, Crane has defeated the fireworks and disappeared from view. Po collapses on the ground in disappointment, but then gets back up with determination.

While the crowd enjoys the tournament inside the arena, Po makes various attempts to gain access; first, he punches the doors, which causes him pain.

Second, he attempts to pole-vault over the wall, but his weight bends the pole and he gets flung into the wall, cracking it.

Third, he bends a tree to the ground and ties it with the plan to catapult himself into the arena. However, his weight keeps the tree bent when he cuts the rope.

When he gets off, the tree springs up, whacking his nose, then springs back once to strike him on the head.

Y/n kisses her teeth as po finally gives up and lays down on the ground.
'Finally...' she thinks, don't get her wrong, she loves her brother but sometimes... he was a bit too much.

"And finally... Master Tigress!" Shift calls out

Hearing this, Po once again gets up and starts looking for another plan. He sets out pulling back another, larger tree. Y/n almost laughs.

"Is not going to work po" she warns in a joking tone

"Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet!" Shifu calls out once again

"I KNOW!!!" Po yells, still continuing on with his plan either way

"He wasn't talking to you, po" y/n chuckles

Back inside the arena, Oogway suddenly closes his eyes and raises his palm. The crowd hushes and looks up at him.

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