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Y/n sighed and turned away from the proud orange tabby who wore boots.
"Bye bye y/n!" He wave with a teasing smile as she tensed up in annoyance.

Puss had managed to keep her up all night with his stupid and over exaggerated rambling about his adventures and how he had come to this city for a dragon scroll.

She would be stupid to tell him where it was, because try as he might, y/n would never help him get it.

She wouldn't ruin her brothers dreams for puss 'the backstabber', not in this life and certainly not in the next of her 9 lives.

Walking up the long trail of steps, y/n groaned as her legs begun to cramp.
Why was the building so high up!?

She hissed and ran the last couple of steps and almost collapsed in relief once she got to the top, how many steps was that you may ask? Well she didn't count because her brain stopped recognising numbers at 4597.

It was still too early in the morning for the furious five to be up and so she quietly slipped through the hallways to her room which was to the right of her brothers.

Looking at the semi-see through door of her brothers room, she frowned when she didn't see a silhouette laying on the floor.

Knocking three times on her brothers door, she heard nothing, she quickly pulled the door open and her eyes narrowed at a barren room.

Po wasn't there...
Knowing her brother he would have been most likely trying to train himself by himself.

'...' y/n sighed and slumped her shoulders.
He would be fine, but her sleep schedule wouldn't if she didn't get at least an hour of sleep before the five had to get up.

Walking out of po's room, y/n opened the door to her own room and fell face first into a pile of pillows which she had claimed as her bed.

'This is nice...' she thought with a yawn as her eyes fell closed almost immediately.


"Panda! Panda, wake up!"

Y/n groaned and pulled a pillow over her head.
They were too noisy, couldn't they just shut up for a second?

"He's quit." Came the same voice from before, sounding satisfied.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she pulled herself out of her bed and licked her paw to raise and slick down her face.

"He hasn't quit, numb nuts, he's just preparing his body for your degrading" y/n spoke as she came out of her room, ignoring the confused looks that she got from the five.

She attached her sword to her hip for the last part of her attire and walked out of the building with an annoyed Shifu and her five fan squad as the made their way to the training building.

Shifu pulled open the large doors to the training building and was met with the awkward sight of po in the splits over two logs of bamboo.

"Popo, your doing it wrong"
Y/n broke through the silence with a deadpan.

Po turned around and looked at y/n with a pout, silently telling her to help.
Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"Here. Just lift you hips like this...and move your arms like this...andddddd done!"
She adjusted Po's posture to fit his position and you could see the immediate relief on the poor pandas face.

"Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I just thought I'd warm up a little." Po spoke, finally realising that they had more company.

Shifu glared at po who hadn't done anything wrong at all.

"You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one's flexibility..."

He flung two boards in the air and snapped for tigress to let her know it was her turn.
Tigress turned and subconsciously looked at y/n who was looking bored, she frowned, this would be sure to impress her...right?

Her eye widened at her own thoughts and a subtle blush set on her cheeks, since when did she care of what the smaller feline thought of her?

"and years longer to apply it in combat." Shifu continued.

Tigress sprang up and executed a perfect split kick in mid air, the two boards snapped in half and she landed in a crouched position.

Tigress turned to y/n who currently found the floor more interesting than her, her heart ached at that, was she really that uncool? She turned to the felines brother, he had a wide smile of awe on his face and even as a chunk of wood hit him over the head, he took the wood as a souvenir.

"Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones." Shifu growled, annoyed that he hadn't embarrassed Po in the slightest.

"Yeah, excellent!" Po exclaimed as y/n face-palmed.
She wouldn't throw Shifu off a cliff...yet.

𖠌 𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐓 𖠌 [𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now