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"...So I'm like, fine, you may be a wolf, you may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province..."

Po stood in the kitchen, cooking for the seven of them as Y/n chopped up the vegetables with incredible speed and tossed them to her 'brother'

4 of the 5 listen to Po, amused by the story while tigress completely ignores him, instead focusing on Y/n who seemed to be in her own world As she continued cutting vegetables.

"...but you're a lousy tipper." Po continued

"Really? So... how'd you get out of there alive?" Crane asked incredulously.

"I mean, I didn't actually say that, but I thought it... in... in my mind." Po faltered but smiled when Y/n patted him on the back as she passed him.

Putting the cutting board away, Y/n served the noodles to the five while Po sat down.

"Bon appetite" she spoke while the 5 watched her, mesmerised by her swift movements.

" If he... could read my mind, he'd have been like, "What?"" Po sighed as he finished his story

"Hope you like it." Po gestured to the noodles

"This is really good!" Mantis took a sip, a blush on his face after thinking about how a certain black and white cat prepared half of it.

"No, c'mon. You should try my dad's secret ingredient soup or y/n's. They actually... know the secret ingredient." Po spoke bashfully, turning to his sister who looked down at her plate

"What are you talking about? This is amazing." Viper praised

"Wow, you're a really good cook." Crane also turned to Y/n as he spoke but his head was tilted towards the panda by the females tail.

"I wish my mouth was bigger." Mantis sighed

"Tigress, you've got to try this." Monkey encouraged as the tiger stared at her plate

Tigress glared.
Tho in her mind was a completely different story.

'I will treasure this bowl of soup for as long as I live..!!! It was made by my love after all🥹' she thought.

"It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single gingko leaf and the energy of the universe." Tigress spoke up, ignoring her thought process and glaring at the panda.

There is silence as everyone realises that Po has been put down yet again. Then Po shrugs.

"I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet. I'm gonna need a lot more than dew. And, uh, universe juice."

He picks up his bowl and takes a giant gulp. When he lowers the bowl, a noodle was seen hanging from his face... it looked like a long moustache. Mantis snickered at the sight.

"What?" Po asked

"Oh, nothing... Master Shifu!" Mantis snicked, watching in glee as Y/n's lips quirked up slightly.

The rest started laughing. Po realized that he's wearing a noodle moustache. He played it up, picking up a chopstick and pretending that it was Shifu's staff.

"You will never be the Dragon Warrior, unless you lose five hundred pounds and brush your teeth!" Po begun imitating the red panda who was afraid of his sister

"What is that noise you're making? Laughter? I never heard of it! Work hard, Panda. And maybe, someday... you will have ears like mine!" He picked up two bowls and used them as ears

Y/n watched annoyed as the red panda suddenly walked into the room.

"Ears. It's not working for you? I thought they were pretty good." Po questioned, putting the bowls down

Po looked at the stone-faced Five and his sister who glared at something behind him

"It's Shifu." Monkey whisper yelled

"Of course it's Shifu. What do you think I'm doing?" Y/n facepalmed, only her brother would do this

Gaping, Monkey points while Viper, Mantis, and Crane shift their eyes to something behind him. Po turns and finally sees Shifu standing there, doing a slow burn. In mortification and shock, he slaps the bowls he previously put down, to his chest.

"Ooh! Master Shifu! I..." po begun to try explain

Po slurps up the noodle moustache and lowers his arms... the bowls stick to his chest like a bra. The Five burst out laughing. While Y/n snorts, her cold face breaking a little

"You think this is funny?! Tai Lung has escaped from prison and you're acting like children!" The red panda yelled out, instantly shutting up the group


"He is coming for the Dragon Scroll, and you are the only one who can stop him!"

The bowls fall off, and clatter on the floor. A beat as this sinks in... then Po starts to laugh.
Y/n gets up and the chair scrapes the floor

"And here I am saying you got no sense of humor. I'm gonna... stop Tai Lung.." po laughs

Shifu just stares at him, deadly serious tho slightly afraid of the murderous aura Y/n gives off.

"What, you're serious? And I have to... uh... Master Oogway will stop him! He did it before, he'll do it again." Po tried, in denial of what he was told

"Oogway cannot!" The red panda snapped as his expression then softened

"Not anymore."

The Five look up in shock, realizing what this means. Y/n sighed

"Our only hope... is the Dragon Warrior."

"The panda?" Tigress scowled

"Yes, the panda!" Shifty yelled, ridiculing po

Tigress pushed the chair back as she stands up.

"Master, please! Let us stop Tai Lung, this is what you've trained us for!" Tigress tried desperately

"No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung. It is his!" Shifu dramatically pointed to where po was a moment ago before he realised him an Y/n were gone

"Where'd they go?"

"Y/n!?" The five suddenly exclaimed

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