Chapter One

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It was the afternoon and Penny, Carrie, Carmen, Teri, Masami, and Molly, were all hanging out together in Molly's treehouse, gossiping about the latest news.

"Ugh, the sky's getting dark. Look like it's gonna rain." Teri noticed as she looked at the sky,

"Well, we'll be dry in here at least."

As they talked Carmen looked outside and noticed Anais and Jamie walking past, Anais laughing as she held Jamie's hand.

"Oh hey, there's Jamie and Gumball and Darwin's sister."

Masami scoffed. "Ugh, the brute and her new friend? Can't believe she'd be friends with a dumb toddler! The embarrassment..."

Penny frowned. "Hey, she can be friends with whoever she wants! Besides, Anais is way smarter and more mature than a normal toddler. She's mentally more like one of us,"

"It's still embarrassing...I wouldn't be seen dead with her..." Masami shook her head and looked away.

Penny rolled her eyes then smiled and called out to them "Hey guys, what are you up to?"

Anais looked up towards the treehouse. "Hmm? Oh hey Penny!" She waved. "Uh, not much really, we were just heading home to do...I dunno, something, We hadn't got that far yet."

"Well, would you like to come and join us?" She offered

Anais gasped in delight and began to smile. "Really?!"

"Sure, the more the merrier!"

Anais smiled and looks at Jamie who shrugged in agreement, and they began to walk over.

Masami glared at Penny. "What?! Why did you invite them in? They're gonna ruin everything!"

"Hey, at least give them a chance!"

"Gumball's sister is fine, it's Jamie I don't trust..." Teri spoke up.

"Why?" Penny crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"Well she' know..."


"A brute, a bully! Do we really want someone like her here?"

Now Carrie spoke up. "I dunno, she seems a lot nicer since she became friends with Anais. I say we give her a chance."


"Uhh, sorry, but I have to agree with Teri and Masami. I don't think this is a good idea..."

Penny sighed. "Come on guys, please! At least give them a chance..."

"No, we don't want them here and that's final." Masami crossed her arms.

Molly looked at them, then at Penny who looked pleadingly. She turned back to the others and spoke up. "You know what? As the owner of the treehouse, I say they can come in."

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