Chapter Three

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As they entered the forest everything got a lot darker, the clouds and leaves above blocking a lot of the sunlight. All that could be heard was the patter of the rain, the rumbling of thunder, and the footsteps of everywhere present as they silently walked through the forest, looking for any sign of their missing friend.

"Oh, where is she..." Anais worried out loud.

The longer they walked around the forest the more she wished Gumball were here with them. Not only would he be able to lighten the mood and bring her some much-needed comfort, but he was a cat, so he would be able to see much clearer than they could, and would easily be able to guide them around.

They walked in random directions, unsure where to go, hoping, praying that they'd find some sign of Jamie.

Penny and Carrie remained close to her the whole time, never letting her stray too far ahead, for fear that she too could get lost or hurt. There was no way they were gonna let that happen.

"Jamie? Jamie!?" Anais called out for her, hoping they make get some response back. Unfortunately, no such response came.

"It's okay, we'll find her. We just have to keep looking." Carrie assured her.

She nodded back, and as they continued walking, Anais found herself holding onto Carrie's hand and squeezing it tightly.

She was a little worried as she saw that Carrie had noticed, thinking that she might be annoyed or uncomfortable by it.

She had nothing to worry about however as she saw Carrie look down at her with a reassuring smile, letting her know that it was ok.

Anais smiled back, beginning to feel more confident as they proceeded ever deeper into the forest.


Eventually, after what seemed like forever they came to a splitting pathway, with no way to tell where either led.

"What do we do now?" Teri asked.

"We could pick one at random?" Molly suggested.

"What? No, that's a terrible idea. We'd be blindly walking ahead into who knows what." Penny rejected the idea.

"We could split up into two groups and take one path each?" Carmen suggested.

"No, Anais said no splitting up. We don't want more of us getting lost." Carrie responded.

"Okay then, let's ask our oh-so-intelligent leader what we should do?"

They turned to Anais and awaited her response.

"Uhh, w-well, uh..."

She became flustered as she was suddenly put on the spot.

"Well? Come on, you're meant to be the smart one! Give us something!" Masami rushed her.

"Give her a chance to think!" Molly argued.

As Masami interrupted her, her thoughts began to lean toward her, and suddenly she had an idea.

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