Chapter Six

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Everyone was finally back in the safety of treehouse, happily chatting again about everything that had happened. Molly, Carmen and Teri were talking together in one group, Anais, Penny and Carrie in another.

Masami however was sat alone quietly, shaken up by her near death experience and was now reflecting upon everything that had happened, what Jamie had said and how she had been acting.

She looked over at Anais and began to fill with immense guilt as she thought about how cruelly she'd been treating her,

She'd just gone to look for Jamie in The Forest of Doom, during a storm, without hesitation, and successfully took charge and guided them all through, even though she herself was terrified. All in order to help her friend..

Meanwhile she had been mocking and insulting her and moaning the whole time.

She hesitated, her face falling as she began to realize just how much of a jerk she had been to Anais. Not just today, but ever since she'd met her that day at Elmore Junior High...

She saw Anais laughing with Penny and Carrie and sighed, She had to make this right.

She sheepishly floated over to her "Hey, uh... Anais...?"

"What?" She replied, not even bothering to look over at her.

"I'm uh...I'm really sorry about how I've been treating you. I thought you were a just a dumb toddler acting like a big snooty know it all, but, after day I've realized you're...actually pretty cool." She admitted.

Anais looked over, shocked at what she was hearing.

"You taking charge and guiding us all through the forest during a storm in order to rescue Jamie, despite you being terrified was amazing. You showed real courage and determination for Jamie, and it's only thanks to your quick thinking that we're all alive, and...I'm really sorry I've been so mean you..."

Anais smiled weakly as Masami continued with a sniff, and to Anais' shock, she looked down and actually began to tear up as their guilt weighed down on her, "I'm so, so sorry I humiliated you as badly as I did on your first day at school. I was a complete and utter jerk, and I went way too far. I didn't think about how scared you must have been...a 3 year old, amongst a bunch of kids way older than her, none of whom you must have been terrified out of your mind, and there I am mocking you, insulting you, making you feel way worse on a day that was already difficult enough for you."

Masami began to cry softly as she thought back to that day and what she did to her, and as Anais watched her ears began to lower. As Masami continued to speak her voice began to break.

"You didn't deserve to be humiliated and made fun of like you were. I can't believe I was such a jerk..." She sniffed then smiled weakly. "You're lucky you had Gumball and Darwin there to look after you, and...they're lucky to have you too. I mean, I have to admit, that whole show you put on really are something special..." She chuckled lightly.

Masami sniffed again and she looked down as she began to cry even harder.

Anais watched, feeling both smug but also a little upset at seeing Masami crying over what she did to her. She debated in her mind what to do.

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