Chapter Two

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An hour had passed and Jamie had still yet to return. The other girls had continued to play Truth or Dare as they waited, though Anais was no longer into it, too worried about Jamie.

To make things worse, just as they'd predicted a storm had begun and a bad one at that. it was now thundering and pouring down rain outside, which only served to make Anais even more worried.

Penny noticed how anxious she was and placed her hand on top of her paw. "You're still worried about Jamie, huh?"

She nodded quietly, letting out a quiet whimper.

"Aww, I'm sure she's alright. She's a tough girl, she can handle herself."

"But this storm is really bad, and she's still out there in it. What if something happened? What if she's hurt?" She teared up.

Penny thought for a moment. "I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she just got a little lost or is trying to find something to bring back? Plus the walk to the forest from here is a good 20 to 30 minutes so I wouldn't be too worried. Just try to stay calm, okay? You have nothing to worry about."

Anais nodded and tried her best to remain calm but as another hour passed and Jamie still hadn't returned she was now increasingly worried.

Eventually, she couldn't stand it any longer and spoke up. "Guys, I'm really worried about Jamie, she's been gone for ages! We need to go and look for her!"

"In this storm?! No way!" Masami immediately rejected the idea.

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll find her way out." Carmen agreed.

"Don't you care about our friend? She's stuck in a forest all by herself, in an awful storm! She could get killed!" Anais tried to convince them.

Teri thought about it. "Well, I would but, I have no umbrella and without one I'll literally melt."

Carrie frowned and teleported away then 30 seconds later teleported back holding a weird supernatural-looking one, throwing it over to her. "Here, now there's no excuse!"

It knocked her over, which Carrie smirked at slightly.

"Why does it look so...weird?" Molly asked.

"It's a special one that floats above you on its own, saves you having to carry it yourself."

"Oh, right."

Teri sat back up and looked outside nervously. " still looks really bad out there. I think I'd rather wait until it dies down..."

"Yeah, I've already gotten went once today. I'd rather not do it again."

Anais looked at them all annoyed. "Fine, if you wanna be terrible friends and hide here because of a dumb storm then be my guest, but my friend is in danger, and I'm not gonna sit here and leave her alone in this! I'm gonna find her!" She stormed off out of the treehouse.

"No, Anais, wait! Anais!" Penny called out as she went after her.

Carrie went to follow but stopped as Molly asked her a question.

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