Chapter Four

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Anais looked at the blood worried, then noticed more small drops slightly further ahead.

She walked over to the branch and checked the white fabric, finding a little blood on a part of it.

"Looks like she caught her arm on the branch, cut it open, and left a trail with her drops of blood..."

"So we can follow them and find her?" Teri asked.

"Exactly! I just hope she's okay..." Her ears lowered slightly as her thoughts filled with worry for her.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's find her and get out of here!" Masami exclaimed. They nodded in agreement and began to follow the trail.

As they walked Anais let out a small whimper. She was trying to act confident as she didn't want to let Jamie down, but she was really starting to get frightened, what with the darkness of the forest, the sound of the storm above them, the odd sound of a twig snapping and a creature moving through the bushes, and now the possibility that Jamie could actually be seriously hurt.

She wiped her nose and sniffled, as her eyes welled up and she began to shake slightly.

Suddenly she felt something hold onto and squeeze her paw. "You okay?"

She looked up and saw Penny holding her paw, her and Carrie both smiling reassuringly at her.

She hesitated before sighing. "I'm gonna be honest, I'm really scared right now, and also really worried about Jamie, but I'm trying to do my best to be brave for her. She's counting on me right now."

"Awww, she's lucky to have a friend who cares about her as much as you do." Penny ruffled the fur between her ears, making her giggle.

Carrie nodded. "With you looking out for her she has nothing to worry about, and neither do you. We're here and we'll protect you, no matter what."

"You will?" She smiled weakly.

"Of course we will. We owe it to Gumball and Darwin to keep you safe. They'd never forgive us if we let something happen to you."

She chuckled nervously. "If they knew I was out here right now, they'd be blowing a fuse..."

Penny smiled. "Perhaps, but I know they'd also be very proud of you for being so determined and brave for the sake of your friend."

Anais stopped walking and sniffed, looking up at her. " really think so?"

"I know so." She crouched down and placed her hand on Anais's shoulder.

Anais teared up, before hugging her tightly, "Thank you, that...that really means a lot."

"You're welcome." She hugged her back with a light chuckle. "You really look up to them, don't you?" Anais responded with a nod and a weak smile. "Awwww, I'm sure they're very proud of you."

"Don't mean to interrupt, but we really need to get moving!" Carmen suddenly called out.

"Oh, sorry! Coming!" Anais called out.

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