Chapter Five

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After following the blood trail for another couple of minutes they began to finally faintly hear a voice calling for help.

"Jamie?! Is that you!?" Anais called outa s her face began to light up.


"Where are you!?" She looked around.

"Over here, in the cave!" Jamie called out.

"This way!" Anais pointed. They all ran over and arrived at the cave, and found that the entrance was completely caved in with large rocks.


"Anais is that you?!" Jamie's muffled voice called from inside the cave.

"Yes, it's me, and everyone else! We're here to rescue you! What happened?"

"I was on my way out of the forest when a creature jumped out at me. I ran and wasn't looking where I was going, and I ended up catching my arm on a branch that was sticking out and cut it pretty badly."

Anais' face fell. "Yeah, we saw that on the way! We followed your trail of blood here! A-Are you okay now?!" She asked worriedly.

"Just about. I tried to find the way out and then the storm began. It got pretty dark and I couldn't see where I was going, and I ended up stumbling on a rock, landed awkwardly, and sprained my ankle. By then the storm had gotten really bad so I decided to limp over to this nearby cave and wait it out but it got worse and lightning struck above and dislodged a bunch of rocks which caved in the exit."

"Don't worry, I got this." Carrie cracked her knuckles and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and concentrated, before opening her eyes, which were now glowing, and using her telekinesis to move all of the rocks at once and move them out of the way and free her.

They cheered, and Anais ran up and hugged her as she began to cry softly,

"I was so worried!"

"It's okay, I'm alright. Thanks for rescuing me." She hugged her back.

"I couldn't have done it without everyone here. It was a team effort."

"Really? Uh, t-thanks everyone. I didn't think you'd care..." She looked down.

"You're our friend, of course we do." Molly smiled.

Jamie smiled back. "Thank you. That...that means a lot."

She tried to walk but gasped in pain and fell to her knees.

"Woah, easy! Your arm is hurt pretty badly, and your ankle is very swollen. Here, let me patch you up." Teri smiled and sat Jamie down, before taking out a bandage.

"Do you really carry a bandage with you everywhere you go?" Carmen asked.

"Of course! You never know when you'll need one!"

She crouched down and professionally bandaged up the wound on Jamie's arm then used some nearby branches and leaves to make a makeshift brace for her ankle.

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