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-Trigger warning, vulgar language, and minor indirect bullying-

Thanks to my man Lo who came up with this story's plot idea! Love ya man.

[Reader Pov]

It wasn't usual that Bakugou, the most explosive-tempered guy I have ever known, was quiet for the entire day. Not once did he speak up, yell or even make rude comments about something someone had said in class. It actually had all of us, especially the Bakusquad worried about his well-being. Of course, no matter how many times me, Mina and even Kiri tried to approach the subject, did Bakugou spill on what was causing the sudden mood shift.

And it wasn't just in classes that he was quiet. When we had training he was so oddly quiet. There was no loud declaration that someone was gonna die or that he was going to be the best. He just stood amongst the rest of the class listening to All Might explain our assignment, calmly. Bakugou is not a calm dude!

"What the heck do we do? Bakugou is never this quiet and chill. It's kinda scary." Kami said sitting down at our lunch table with a bowl of noodles.

"I agree, something is definitely up with Baku-bro." Kiri agreed, frowning around his glass.

"He didn't even make fun of Deku or yell at him when he began rambling during hero theory." I added looking around the group. Everyone nodded in agreement, each of us frowning in worry.

"And it's not like we can really find out what's up. Every time I've tried to ask he just walks off." Mina huffed a bit, stabbing at her chicken. Silence consumed us as we each thought about just what could be done to help our annoying and angry leader.

"Well...if we can't figure out what's wrong, we could focus on trying to cheer him up?" I suggested.

"Oh yeah! We totally could cheer him up!" Kiri agreed, grinning widely. "Great thinking [C/n}!" I smiled a bit sheepishly at the enthusiasm in his voice but nodded.

"Yeah, we totally could. Maybe get a bunch of things that he likes? Maybe even set up some sort of movie night?" Mina suggested. The rest of us nodded, jumping in with our own small ideas on what we could each do to help our bro. It made me feel warm inside, how tight-knit our group was. Whenever one of us was really down the rest of the group really did pull together to help each other. Like the time I had gone through a really rough patch after one of the villain attacks when my binder was destroyed and I couldn't get another for a while. Everyone chipped in to help me feel better and forget about how my body didn't look the way I wanted. Kirishima and Bakugou even chipped in and ended up buying me a binder each just in case something like that ever happened again.

"Hey [C/n}, you still there?" Kami asked waving his hand in front of my face, effectively pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry Denki." I laughed a bit. "Just lost in thought," I murmured rubbing the back of my neck. "So what are we all doing?" I asked.

"Well, I am gonna try and convince Bakubro to come to my dorm later tonight thinking that he's gonna have to help me with my English homework. You and Mina are gonna get together some food while me, Sero, and Denki set up our room for the movie night!" Kirishima explained, his wide grin just growing even wider as everyone else nodded along with excited agreement. I smiled at their shared excitement and nodded along.

"That sounds like a perfect plan!" I agreed. "Mina, do you think you could get Bakugou's favorite drinks? I know the perfect place to get his favorite food." I asked. Pinky nodded quickly and made finger guns to me.

"You can count on me [C/n}!"

"Great! Let's do this guys!" I cheered, grabbing my things.

"Hell yeah!" Kirishima grinned, high-fiving Sero as Mina and Denki grinned at each other. This was going to be so great. Bakugou was sure to be cheered up right away!

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