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[Reader Pov]

Nightmares aren't a rare occurrence, especially not for hero students, and especially not now, as the war against heroes and villains rages on outside throughout Japan. In fact, nightmares are really the only thing that keeps some of us believing that we're alive. It really has become a dangerous world out there. But even if nightmares are more normal, it doesn't make them more tolerable.

The night was calmer than it had been most of the time, students and their parents and close family and friends sleeping peacefully in the U.A dorms as many families and friends had been moved in just after the failure to capture Shigaraki and the rest of the League after the invasion of the hospital and Legion mansion. It was nice, to have quiet for once. It meant that those sleepless nights could slowly begin to be recouped. But it seemed tonight wouldn't be one of those cases.

It was around three in the morning when a heart-wrenching scream woke me from my slumber. I woke, groggy and unsure what was going on until I saw his form curled over and his body shaking. Tamaki, my boyfriend, had another nightmare. From the sounds of it, a pretty terrible one at that. Slowly, due to still struggling to wake up, I sat up and pulled myself closer to him.

"Tami?" I murmured gently as I cupped his cheeks, noting that there was wetness under my palms as I did so. "Darling? What happened." Tamaki stared at me for a long time, tears still streaming down his face as he struggled to breathe before shaking his head. No words came to him as he continued to cry, eventually clinging to me. Gently I ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed circles into his back attempting to calm his cries enough to understand just what happened in his dreams.

Nightmares weren't uncommon for Tamaki, however, they became more and more frequent after the attack on the villains, especially after he was hospitalized for so long afterward. I wasn't caught in the same crossfire he was as I was placed with the rear guard to keep an eye on the class 1-A students as the other pros took the villains head-on. I didn't blame him for having such night terrors after what happened. I still had night terrors over the events.

We had lost so many strong heroes and still didn't know what we had done wrong to have lost so horribly. There weren't any heroes, pros or in training, that came out of the battle unharmed.

Tamaki eventually was able to calm down enough to where he was breathing more regularly, however, the tears still continued to stream down his face. I reached over to the bedside table to grab a water bottle. I didn't want him to get too dehydrated from crying so much.

"It was...the battle." he eventually mumbled out, head buried into my chest, muffled by my bust. "You were there, with me....I thought we would be fine...that we were going to win, and then all of a sudden....you got hit, slammed into the ground. When I ran over to check on you, you were...." his voice hitched and another choked sob threatened to escape his lips as he trembled. "I thought I lost you...that I would never see your smile, or the light shining off your eyes." He managed. I pulled him closer, leaning back against the headrest, continuing to run my fingers through his hair.

"Well, I'm here now...I'm alive and alright, just like you Tami. Everything is going to be okay." I whispered the promise gently, pressing a few butterfly kisses to his forehead, trailing them down to his eyes before wiping away his tears. "It was just a dream, I promise." Tamaki nodded slowly, refusing to meet my eyes.

"But what if it comes true...what if you end up being taken away from me?" he asked. He sounded so... heartbroken. Being a hero was really hard on him, he didn't take losses very well. He was diagnosed with high depression and anxiety but every day he fought through it to become a hero, even with the self-doubt constantly plaguing him, mocking him. I hated seeing him so distraught and broken.

"It won't come true. I'm not going anywhere." I reassured him, sitting him up a bit. "Come on, why don't we go for a walk, okay? Clear your head, maybe make some cocoa before trying to go back to bed?" I offered. Tamaki thought for a moment before nodding, pulling back to let me up.

"S-sorry about...clinging to you so much," he mumbled, looking away, face blotchy red from all the crying he just did. I smiled gently and ruffled his hair.

"It's okay, you're upset, nothing wrong with you seeking protection from your boyfriend," I reassured him, standing up from the bed. I reached over to grab my discarded binder, holding it in my hands for a few moments, pondering if it was worth putting it on. I had worn it for a little too long the day prior, and I knew if I put it back on it could cause some serious breathing problems. I didn't need Tamaki worrying about one more thing right now, so instead, I opted to grab one of my larger hoodies before slipping on my shoes and leading Tamaki out of the dorms and to the gardens.

We walked in silence for a while, just enjoying the nighttime air. Our hands at one point laced together as we walked. A few times I gently squeezed Tamaki's hands to reassure him that I was still there and that I wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. The sky was surprisingly clear tonight, stars twinkling above. It was calming, almost surreal.

"Hey...[C/n]?" Tamaki eventually spoke.

"Yeah, Tami?" I asked, pausing slightly. He took a moment, looking down at his feet a bit shyly before asking, "Could you please sing?" I smiled gently, thinking for a moment what to sing.

My quirk, Siren, allows me to sing songs and impose emotions based on the intensity and emotion of the song. It's not a very strong quirk, but it can be helpful to affect a larger group of people, sometimes to put them to sleep or to daze them. It's a quirk better suited for a sidekick, which I don't mind in the least. I knew the perfect song to sing. It wasn't uplifting, but it was one of Tamaki's favorites; bittersweet and gentle.

"Come with me, my love....To the sea, the sea of love. I~ wanna tell you...how much, I love you~," My voice rang out soft and sad, the tempo of the song rather slow, and easily fit for some sad close together slow dancing. Tamaki continued to hold onto my hand as I sang, my soft voice and emotions washing over him as my work did its job. Visibly I could see him relax, shoulders dropping ever so slightly. He didn't look at me as I sang, opting to watch the stars instead.

"Do you remember when we met? That's the day, I knew you were my pet. I~ wanna tell you....how much, I love you~" The song was simple, only three verses, but the lyrics hit powerfully, no matter where and when it was sung. Even as I sang the very last note of the song, my voice carried power and emotion. Once I finished Tamaki was leaning close to me, his head, on my shoulder though he still stared at the stars. My arm had moved from holding onto his hand to around his shoulder. Gently I leaned over and pressed a kiss to his temple.

"I love you so much, Tamaki..." I whispered gently. A small, sad smile spread across his lips as he looked at me.

"I love you too, songbird." He murmured, eye drooping a bit as the exhaustion began to return. I smiled gently and pulled him back towards the dorms and into our room just in time for him to fall onto the bed, once more fast asleep, this time dreaming of good things. I stayed awake for a bit longer, running my fingers through his hair as he slept.

"Don't worry Tamaki, no matter what happens, I will stay by your side. Forever...and always."

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