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Trigger warning: Mentions of being sick (aka throwing up)

[Reader Pov]

Nothing's worse than waking up to the sounds of dry heaving and sickness. I rolled over with a groan looking at the blaring red numbers of the clock. 4:43 am. I moved the thick comforters off of me reluctantly and made my way to the bathroom where my poor husband was leaning over the toilet. There was a pool of sick that was last night's dinner in the usually pristine white bowl. I knelt down beside him and pulled back his long blond locks out of the way so he didn't get any of his vomit stuck in it.

He looked up to me momentarily between bouts of vomiting and smiled weakly, thankful for my comfort and aid. I rubbed gentle circles into his back with my free hand as he continue to heave in the toilet before he shakily sat back against the wall. I stood to hand him some toilet paper to clean up his face before flushing the toilet. I also filled up a small cup of water so he could rinse the bile from his mouth. He gratefully took the cup from my hands and sloshed the contents around in his mouth before spitting it out in the sink.

"Thanks [C/n]." he croaked, voice cracking towards the end of his sentence. I nodded and sat down beside the exhausted blonde, pulling him over to lean his head on my shoulder.

"Man...you're cold really got worse huh?" I murmured gently, brushing my fingers through his long hair. Hizashi had been sick with a cold for a while, but before today it had just simply been a cold. But now he felt really hot to the touch, no doubt burning up with a fever of some sort. And on top of that, his voice was pretty beaten up from the several villain attacks that we had been deployed to get under control. Overall Hizashi was just completely drained and miserable. It made my heart ache to see him like this. "Come on, let's get you back to bed and comfortable. I'll bring you a damp cloth to help with your fever and make something for your poor stomach." I murmured, shifting from the floor to help him up to his feet.

I ended up carrying my blonde prince back to bed and tucked him in gently before moving back to the bathroom to grab a clean washcloth and soak it in cool water. I returned moments later to drape the cloth over his burning hot forehead, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before I moved to the kitchen to get some warm soup fixed up. I wasn't sure how much of it he was going to be able to keep in his stomach but I didn't want him getting any worse by not having any fluids or food in his stomach. Anything he could keep down I would take.

I began cooking up some simple chicken broth, putting in a few thicker noodles to steep in the broth and soak in the nutrients before throwing in a few chunks of already-cooked chicken, celery, and carrots for added protein. It was the same recipe my mother used to make for me when I was younger and sick. It wasn't anything extravagant but it was always great to have when I was feeling miserable. And I found Hizashi also enjoyed it when he wasn't feeling his best either.

Once the soup was done I turned off the burner and grabbed a small soup mug and filled it halfway, tossing in a few crackers into the soup as well as grabbing another full sleeve for him to munch on individually. I also added in a small straw and a spoon before heading back to the bedroom to give it all to Hizashi.

Hizashi had his eyes closed but I could tell he wasn't really asleep, just resting his eyes. They slowly opened as I entered the room and looked over. A small, though painful, a smile spread across his face as I moved over to his bedside and set the mug of soup on his bedside table.

"Hey hon," I murmured gently, brushing some of his hair away from his face. "I made some soup for you. You don't need to try and eat it now, but when you think you can handle it it's right here okay?" I said pointing to the mug. Hizashi nodded and reached an arm over to gently tug at my shirt. I smiled a bit and moved over to my side of the bed, knowing exactly what he wanted. I crawled back under the blankets, scooting close to my sick hubby, deciding to discard my shirt since Hizashi was already radiating heat. My chest area was still a little sensitive, having only just recently gotten top surgery. It was nice though, to finally feel like I am in the body I was meant to be in.

Gently I moved closer to Hizashi, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as I pulled him closer so he was half leaning on me, half laying down on the bed. He hummed happily, coughing a bit before snuggling down. I smiled, running my fingers through his long hair as we lay there for a while. Eventually, I turned on the tv and began scrolling through Netflix to find something for us to watch.

As soon as I scrolled over the Disney movie section before Hizashi insisted we watch Aladdin. It was one of his favorite movies. He especially loves the OG version of the movie, not that live-action one that totally changed up the who vibe of the movie. Part way through the movie I insisted that he begin trying to stomach some of the soup that I had made, which had significantly cooled off from when I originally had made it.

He reluctantly began to sip at the soup, sometimes taking in a spoonful of the contents but not much. I didn't push him, knowing that after throwing up a ton this morning he would be more hesitant to eat. I didn't blame him either. I wouldn't want to be eating just to throw it all up again. It was miserable.

He managed to stomach about a third of the soup before setting it back down on the bedside table and went back to snuggling with me. We were about halfway through the movie when I noticed Hizashi's breathing had leveled out, and he was fast asleep against me. It brought a small smile to my face, and gently I pressed a kiss to his forehead. I noted how much better he seemed to feel, the heat he had been radiating earlier seemingly lessened. It was a good sign, he was definitely beginning to feel better.

Since he had finally fallen asleep I decided to slip out from under the covers and do somethings around the house. Today would be a low productive day, but that was okay. I didn't mind taking it slow and low to make sure my hubby was getting the best care he could. 

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