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Trigger warning: Mentions of death. This story is highly triggering and depressing. If you wish not to be triggered by such depressing topics please skip this chapter. Also [N/n] means nickname.

[Reader Pov]

The dreams started shortly after his death. I don't even know why he died. He was so young and had so much going for him. Why did he have to die just when his life started? Why when things were going so right in the world? We were going to make an agency together. Me, Hizashi, Shota, Oboro...why?

I struggled to sleep for a long time after his death. Most nights the only way I was able to actually get to sleep was to cry so much I got too exhausted to cry any longer. And even then I only got a few hours of sleep before I had to drag myself out of bed and go to classes. I honestly wanted to quit, but I know that he wouldn't have wanted me to. I had put so much effort into proving that I belonged in the hero course, he wouldn't have wanted his death to be the reason I gave up. So I kept going. But things weren't the same.

The first dream came to me on the one night that I didn't cry myself to sleep. I was so tired from practical training when I had come home that day that I didn't even have the chance to miss him and cry about it.

I woke in a large field of green. The grass was really soft, and the skies were impossibly blue. There were a few really white fluffy clouds lazily drifting across the skyline. I was laying down on the soft green grass, watching the sky for a while before he spoke.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"What?" I murmured, slowly turning my head to look at him. He looked back at me and smiled, the same smile that I always loved. The one where his eyes would crinkle shut and his nose, which always seemed to have a bandage on it, would scrunch up from how widely he grinned.

"The sky silly." he laughed airily. He pointed to the sky, looking back up. "It's so blue and clear. And the air is so clean." He murmured softly, letting his arm fall back down to his chest. "It almost doesn't feel real." I looked back to the sky as well, frowning slightly. It wasn't real...I knew it wasn't really in the moment. I knew I was dreaming, even though I so badly wished I wasn't.

"It's not real," I murmured, barely audible. "You're not real. You're-" But I couldn't say it, because I still couldn't believe it. For the first time ever, I saw him frown. He said nothing as he frowned at the sky. I couldn't tell if he was mad, or just deep in thought.

"I know. I know I'm not. But...do we have to think about that right now?" He asked softly, once more turning to look at me, his eyes pleading for me to agree. To go along with the dream. I only nodded, not trusting my voice not to betray me.

And then I woke up.

I would continue to have dreams like that for the next few weeks. They were nice, and even though I knew they weren't real, they helped me cope. I would get more sleep, I had more motivation to get up in the morning and train or go to school. It hurt a lot, to move on without him, but we had to. Me, Hizashi, Shota. We all had to move on and get stronger so that future generations of young heroes would never have to go through what we had gone through.

The following dreams would move on from the meadow. Sometimes we were walking the same old routes we did as a group and as a couple. When we walked, our hands were entwined. Even though I couldn't actually feel it, even though I knew it wasn't real, I felt as though it was real. I imagined that this was reality, and the reality I was living through every time I woke up was just a nightmare, and this was real life. Kinda unhealthy, I know. But I couldn't let go.

"You have been growing pretty strong. I almost don't recognize you." Oboro laughed a bit, hands behind his head as we walked the empty streets. It was always so odd that it was so quiet and empty in my dreams when in real life these streets were so loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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