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Note: this story is set in the future where Denki and [C/n] are already pro heroes. Also, the song that [C/n] is listening to for the majority of this chapter is linked above. Thanks to Lo again for helping out with this chapter. [H/n] means Hero name.

[Reader Pov]

We got an emergency call from the agency today. A huge amount of villains were gathering in our quadrant causing mayhem. I guess they forgot what pro heroes were in charge of keeping the people safe in this area. Their mistake.

Chargebolt and I were geared up and off to the scene in a matter of moments, me riding on my holoprogected hands while my boyfriend raced after me on his bike. I was pumped and ready for action. It's been a while since I was able to be up and fighting against the evil forces, having just had top surgery and all. But finally, I was fully recovered and ready to beat some villain's asses.

There was a large crash, debris and smoke billowing into the air from the source of the sound. I looked to Denki and nodded before racing after the sound, a smirk forming on my lips. This was it, finally some action time.

[Third Person Pov]

There are screams as civilians run from the initial point of attack. The smoke is thicker here, as [H/n] and Chargebolt charge headfirst into the fight. Both of them ready for the fight, adrenaline pumping through their veins as the first villain rears its nasty face. The villains' eyes were the first to be seen, glowing with rage as the half-bull-like man slowly emerged from the smoke. The Villain roared, the roar echoing over the distant blasts of explosions and screams of the fleeing people.

"Get ready!" Chargebolt called out to his partner as they approached the scene.

"Don't you worry about me." [H/n] laughed, charging forward just as the bull-man did the same. 'Just like a bull, this was going to be easy.' [H/n] thought as he prepared to grab the villain by his long bull horns. The boney horns collided with [H/n]'s holographic hands, causing the hero to be pushed back a few feet before he found his footing and flings the villain back into the smoke. "Take that, you animal!" He shouts, a wild grin on his face as his music intensifies. Oh yeah, this was great.

As the other tumbled away two smaller villains, twins from what it looked like, emerged from the smoke. Their sharp silver teeth bared as they snarled at the heroes. [H/n] looked to Chargebolt, who had just jumped off his bike and joined him in the fight.

"I guess we're a bit outnumbered." [H/n] hummed looking at the two villains, ready for action. "Think you could even the playing field darling?"

"It would be my pleasure." Chargebolt laughed, a wide grin on his face as he loaded a disk into his arm gun, charged with his natural electrical currents. As the hero's stalled the two newcomers connected, beginning to wildly spin like a top towards the heroes. Luckily Chargebolt was ready for the attack, and with natural accuracy connected one of the electrifying disks to one of the twins. The disk crackled to life, electrocuting the villains. The two split apart in an instant and were knocked back into the smoke just like their bull comrade had been.

"Hell yeah! This is why we call you a sharpshooter!" [H/n] cheered, high-fiving his boyfriend. Just as the twins are hurled back into the smoke, most likely knocked out from both the electrocution and impact against the ground, yet another villain emerged from the smoke. This one hissed in rage, as instead of being a human this villain was a large snake. Its fangs bared, poison dripping from the deadly natural daggers. It slithered forward so quickly it was hard to react, but [H/n] was ready. As the snake's head launched up to bite him [H/n] launched himself forward onto his holographic hands, flipping over the long serpent, landing perfectly behind the other with a smirk.

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