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[Reader Pov]

To be a hero you needed to make sure that you stayed in shape. Constantly working out was the ideal way to keep in shape. Conveniently U.A. was well known for having some of the best workout routines and equipment to do such. Sometimes I would go there myself when I feel I have been lacking in physical working out, though I usually go by myself. Some of my other classmates head out in regular groups, like Izuku, Ochako, and Ida, but I tend to enjoy going on my own and plugging in my music. It's even better when there aren't any other students in the workout room because then I can move about the room without being stared at. Especially since I can't very well work out with my binder on. It's too restricting. I learned my lesson the first time I tried working out in it, never repeated that mistake.

I had decided after dinner Friday night to go grab my gym bag and a water bottle and head over to the workout room. It was open pretty late into the night most days, especially during the weekend. I planned to just work on more of my core strength since lately I had been jogging in the morning to stimulate my endurance and build up more muscle mass in my legs, but my core had been lacking in the attention department.

As I was preparing there was a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting any visitors but moved to open the door. I was greeted by a wide, pointy-toothed grin by a certain redhead.

"Oh, hey Kirishima!" I said with a smile.

"Hey [C/n]!" He said cheerfully. "Are you busy?"

"Well, I'm getting ready to head over to the gym to get in some more solo training," I explained, motioning to the gym bag that was mostly packed on my bed.

"Oh sweet! I was just about to ask if you wanted to join me actually! Bakubro is too tired and slammed the door in my face." he laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. I smiled at the offer and thought for a moment. I didn't really work out in a group, but it was just Kiri, and well, he was a really good friend. He already knew I struggled a bit with my self-image in that department.

"Sure!" I agreed. Kirishima grinned wider and cheered.

"Great! Meet you in the common room then? So we can walk over together?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, meet you down there." I nodded, closing my door as Kirishima rushed off to grab his own bag of supplies. There was a small smile on my face as I shook my head at his enthusiasm. It was honestly adorable, how Kirishima acted most of the time. He's one of the strongest, sweetest dudes I know. He's so manly, which is funny since he's always going around exclaiming how manly everyone else acts. I was genuinely looking forward to working out with Kirishima. Maybe he could even offer me tips on how to push past a few of my limits.

[Kirishima Pov]

This was great, I was going to get to work out with [C/n]! I really admired his dedication and the strength they bring to our class. They're so manly, even if he wasn't born a dude, which doesn't really matter but it's still awesome! I rushed around my room gathering a few things for my bag, spare clothes, a water bottle, and a few snacks before rushing back out of my room to meet [C/n] in the common room.

"Oh hey, guys! Where are you two headed off to?" Mina asked looking up from her phone on one of the couches.

"Hey Mina! We're heading out to the gym to work out!" I said enthusiastically. [C/n] nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Oh cool! Have fun!" She said waving to us as we left. The walk to the gym wasn't too long, roughly a five to ten-minute walk. Once inside the lights flickered on and I walked over to the aux cord.

"Hey, do you mind If I put on my playlist?" I asked [C/n]. He sent me a thumbs up as he walked straight over to one of the workout mats to warm up before going hard on some of the machines. He had the right idea, it was never a good idea to do anything really physical without warming up. That's when you pull something or get really hurt. I followed suit as soon as I started playing my dedicated workout jam list. By the time I was finished stretching [C/n] was over on one of the ab crunchers. I moved over to one of the treadmills, deciding to start off my workout with a light two-mile jog just to get me warm before moving to some of the more hardcore machines. [C/n] had at some point moved to one of the treadmills beside me as I finished up my two-mile jog and smirked. I slowed down the machine until it was stopped and looked over.

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