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Xyla POV

" if you wanted to see me, why didn't you FaceTime me?" He laughed.

Jai'den is actually a really cool guy. Even when I'm not drunk he is interesting. Funny, so charming, flirty and a lot of other shit. of course I'm playing a smart, but it's just fun.

" we FaceTime each other every day, I think it's around that time that we see each other."

" You haven't invited me out anywhere or ask me on a date so obviously you don't think it's time that we see each other."

"Okay so the ball is in my court?"

" no the bar is actually in both of our courts however, it is your ball right now. Remember you got a shoot before you can score." I joke and he laughed.

"You are funny as fuck." I laughed. "I am not trying to score, atleast not yet. With your fine ass who knows."

"I am fine?"

" Yes. You are dropped dead gorgeous."

"Whatever." He laughed.

"What night is better for you?"

" That's up to you, like a man who is demanding." He sighed and I laughed. " serious, just call me one day and tell me to get dress and we are going somewhere. You know just spontaneous, surprise me."

" get down with that, I am just being nice right now. You have to really get to know me."

" is that a red flag?"

"What I do?" We laughed. " I am just trying to see what is comfortable for you, and once I know how I am able to behave or coexist with you, then everything else will flow."

"Mhm." I agreed.

"I got you."

I pulled up to Jamie's house and it was like ten cars outside.

" I'm going to call you back later on tonight. When are you back in the house. Or when I get time because I have to go entertain my daughter."

"Fassure, tell her I said hello."

"Will do."

I knocked on the door and Luca answered the door.

"Hey Luca." I hugged him and he gave me a small smile. "What is wrong?"

"Um- I think you should come in." I instantly became anxious.

"Is momma alright?"

"Yeah, she is fine."

"Luca I don't like this." I walked in and momma and Ximora was on the couch and it was about 20 people here and everybody looks sad. "What's wrong? Where is Jaime?"

"He is upstairs."

"Where is breezy and Jeremy?" They all sighed.

"Uncle Breezy is not coming back." Ximora looked sad.

"What? What do you mean? Shit what does she mean?"

"Breezy was Killed last night." I heavy pain set in on me.

"What? No." I spoke softly. " What about his mom and his daughter?" momma Jane started crying.

I contained my emotions and i my ears started to ring.

"I am going to go check on Jaime." She nodded.

" Isn't letting anyone in the room."

Jaime and breezy have been around each other every day. They have been getting closer and closer, it's s to the point where Luca and breezy and Jeremy were his brothers and nobody couldn't tell him anything.

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