Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I sit on the couch reading my book, half listening to the news playing on the tv. A pair of hands covers my eyes just making me sigh.

"Guess who, dipstick."

"I know it's you, Mabel. You're the only one who still tries to pull these pranks." I gently move her hands off my eyes before I go back to reading my book. I see her lean her arms on the back of the couch from the corner of my eye.

"What ya watching on tv?"

"Just the news. Needed something as background noise while I was reading."

"Anything interesting on the news?"

"Not really. Just some kind of new disease that has a lot of people in the hospital."

"Gross. Hope we don't get infected."

"From the sounds of it, it seemed like it was saliva and blood based. So as long as you watch who you go around kissing you'll be fine."

"Jerk." I smile slightly as she playfully punches my shoulder. "What are you reading this time?"

"The Institute by Stephen King."

"I thought you were obssessed with all of those mystery novels."

"I am. I just wanted to broaden my surroundings a bit more."

"This is because Nate said you were too chicken to read IT or The Shining isn't it?"

"....maybe.....I am working my way up to those ones."

"You are such a chicken shit sometimes." She jumps over the couch and sits in the spot next to me. I sigh as I close my book and set it on the coffee table.

"I just don't get why people enjoy things like horror attractions, scary movies and books."

"Because it's thrilling being scared. Being scared by someone that we know can't be's the best feeling in the world."

"No matter how many times you try to explain it, I still just don't understand why it is so enjoyable. I would rather stay inside where I know that I'm safe and solving mysteries with the greatest minds alike."

"And you still wonder why you don't have friends during the school year." I bite the inside of my cheek in silence, fidgeting with the leather bracelets around my wrist. " know I was joking, right, Dipper?"

"I know.....but you aren't exactly wrong either. No one would want to be friends with such a weirdo like me."

"Hey." She grabs my hand and makes me look at her. "You are not a weirdo. Any of those stupid nerds at school would be lucky to be friends with someone as awesome as you."

"We both know that isn't true. But thanks for saying it anyway."

"Anytime, bro-bro." She stands up grabbing her purse. "Stan is giving me a ride to Pacifica's for the day. Do you want to tag along? Maybe get some fresh air or go to the mall with us or something fun like that?"

"No thanks, I'm good here with my books. Hey, where is Ford at?"

"I think he's still visiting grandpa Sherman in the hospital."

"Oh. I hope neither of them get that new disease."

"They both have some of the strongest immune systems in the family. Aside from us of course."

"When we do get sick it's a pain for anyone who has to take care of us."

"At least it doesn't happen often. You want me to get you anything while me and Pacifica are out?"

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