Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I follow Bill through the forests in silence, early sunlight peeking over the trees.

"....Bill? Can I ask one thing?"

He sighs slightly before answering. "What is it?"

"That scar on your temple, that's mostly hidden by your hair....."

"What about it?"

"What happened? You've had it since before we even met."

"Someone shot at me. He missed."

" that kinda of thing going to happen a lot on our journey?"

"Probably so."

I stop walking as I really process that. "......I don't think I can kill someone...." He stops walking and looks back at me.


"I know, that it shouldn't be any different that kiling the infected but it is different. I mean it's people. They aren't like the infected that are not in control of what they do. These are people trying to survive just like the rest of us. I just...."

I look up as he grabs my shoulders firmly. "Dipper. I get that you feel that way. But a lot of the people we meet on the way, they will have different ideas about survival. They will be the kind of people that don't care what they have to do in order to survive. To them, we are just another thing in their way of survival. Not everyone here is a good person through this like you are."


"Look, if it comes to that, I will deal with that. Understood?"


"Good. Come on." I follow him as we come to a fence. He tries to open the gate but it's blocked from the other side. Looking up I see barbed wire covering the top except for one part.

"Boost me up. I can unblock it from the other side."

"That isn't a good idea."

"You'll be able to see me if I get in any trouble, and I got my knife and ax."

"Fine." He interlocks his fingers setting the backs of his hands on his thigh. I step onto his hands as he boost me up to the top of the fence.

I grab the top, pulling myself over and jumping to the ground. I dust myself off before pulling the pipe out from the handles of the fence, tossing the pipe away before opening the fence.

"There you go."

"Come on."

He leads me through the empty streets of the town.

"So, where do you usually meet this guy?"

"In different places."

"You haven't been here before, have you?"

"I know that he lives here, but we've mostly met closer to Gravity Falls."

I stop seeing a sign. "Mandatory evacuation." I read aloud, seeing Bill walk up next to me. "Were they evacuating because of the infected?"

"Yeah. Some places had a heads up before it happened. Most didn't though. Come on."

We walk through, the whole place feeling like a ghost town.

"So, what is the plan exactly?"

"We find my guy, get a car and go find Will."

"And because he was a firefly he will know where we should go?"

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