Chapter 6

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(Bill pov)

I leave Dipper to hold the door as I go over to Tad. "Tad, where the fuck do we go?"

"I don't know but anywhere from here."

I grab Dipper's arm pulling him away from the door, Tad shoving open a door that led into the school. I pull Dipper after me, slamming the door shut behind us. Dipper grabs a nearby chair and sticks the chair legs into the doorhandles to lock the door.

We follow Tad down the halls, going into the gymasium shutting and locking the door behind us.

A thud from the other side of the gym makes us all turn in that direction. On the other side, the doors to the locker room busrt open as a mass of fuckery comes out.

It's an infected but it's nothing that I have ever seen before. It is so huge that it easily towers over all of us, fungus growing over it's face and over every part of it.

It throws something at us as we all scatter, Dipper and I going one way and Tad the other. Whatever it threw a little splashes on my arm and it burns like hell. I look up, Tad shooting it with his shotgun and drawing it away from us. I see runners coming in through an open window. I look at Dipper, seeing him look at the new infected completely terrified. I grab his arm getting his attention.

"I need you to take care of the runners. Keep them off of us while me and Tad deal with this one. Understood?"

" See if this helps." He reaches into his backpack and grabs a bottle of alcohol handing it to me. He runs off to deal with the runners as I stand up. Rip a bottom piece of my hoodie, sticking it into the bottle before taking out my lighter. I light the piece still sticking out before throwing it at the new infected.

The fucking screams as it thrashes around on fire. So fire seems to hurt it most. I aim the rifle, shooting it over and over and over, Tad doing the same with his shotgun until it finally falls over dead. I turn back to Dipper ready to help just in time to see him decapitate the last one. He bends over, hands on his knees catching his breath.

I walk over to him, putting a hand on his break. Blood is splattered all over his clothes, some on his face to. "You all good?"

"Yeah." He stands up picking up the ax. "No more bites at least." He smiles slightly at his own joke. We both walk back over to the one me and Tad had just taken out. "Told you there was a new one."

"You assholes knew about this thing?" Tad says, glaring and accusing us.

"No, not really. I had heard talk of a new infected but this is the first time I've seen it. It's all gross. No actual human is this size, the fungus must have over time made them bloated, like what happens to a body when it's in the water too long. Bloated....not a bad name for it." He takes out his camera, taking a picture of it before putting both the camera and picture in his bad. Tad turns his attention to me.

"Where the hell did you get that moltov?" To Dipper. "You asshole. You stole that from my armoury, didn't you?"


Tad lunges at Dipper but I manage to hold him back. "Tad. Let's just get the fuck out of here."

We go over to the bleachers, climbing on top of them and climibing out the window dropping to the ground below.

We climb over the fence behind the school before going to one of the houses behind the school, the backgate being unlocked. I lock the gate behind us before we go into the house, making sure to close the sliding door behind us.

"Dipper, start looking for any supplies or anything that we can use at all."

"Sure thing."

He walks off to one part of the house just leaving me and Tad.


"Someone jacked my fucking battery." He angrily punches the wall. "Fuck!"

"Well what now?"

"I don't know. That was my plan from A all the way to fucking Z. You should be glad that you both are still drawing breath."

I go to argue back when I notice he's looking at something over my shoulder. Turning around I see a body hanging in the living room. From the decay the body has been here for a while.

Glancing at Tad I see a look of horror and despair wash over him. "Did you know him?"


"Who was James?"

"He....He was my partner....." He goes over to the rope, cutting him down. The body hits the floor with a dull thud. He kneels down by the body, holding up a hand that had a ring on it. "I gave him this. It was my mother's. It was the closest to actually being married in this world we could be. There are bites all over his arm here a-and...."

"He got bit. Didn't want to turn."

He cradles the body in his arm and I see him fighting back tears. I have never seen Tad cry, never seen him this broken. ".....I thought he left me.....I talked about the battery so much and I woke up one day and he was gone. All of his supplies was gone too. The stupid idiot.....I loved him....he was my stupid fucking idiot....."

I kneel down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder as the tears pour down his face. I notice a piece of paper with Tad's name on it. I silently hand it to him. He opens it reading it silently before shoving it back in his pocket.

"Do you want me to help bury him?"

"No....not yet I just.....I want to get you two out of my town and then I'll....I'll figure it out...."

We both turn towards the garage hearing what sounded like a car. He wipes away the tears as we both go to the garage, Dipper sitting in the driver seat of a truck. He turns to us, a small smile on his face.

"See what I found."

"Pop up the hood." Tad says. Dipper does it as Tad goes over lifting up the hood. "That is my fucking battery." He slams the hood shut. "Can you start it?"

"I'm trying, I think it needs a bit of a jump."

"How do you know anything about cars?"

"My dad was a mechanic, so I know the basics."

"Well......if we get it rolling then that should juice up the battery."

Tad pushes the garage door open as I grab some boxes of ammo and get behind the truck. Tad and I push the truck out of the driveway and down the road trying to get it started.

We push it down a hill and the engine roars to life, but we also hear nearby screeches of infected. We both run down the hill, barely avoiding the infected as we jump in the truck and Dipper takes off with us in the back.

He drives a good deal away, before Tad hits the back window to tell him to stop at a gas station near the edge of town. We climb out of the back as he keeps the truck running.

"You both aren't going to last long."

"Well we've lasted this long."

"Yeah. Here." He hands me some weird tubes. "A lot of cars still have gas in them."

"Thanks.....what did the note say? If you don't mind me asking."

".......he was getting the battery for me. Not because I told him to. He had heard me talk about it so much he wanted to get it for me. So we could both leave this town instead of just always talking about it. He got bit, didn't want me to face him being infected. Didn't have the balls to shoot himself."

"Are you going to be okay all alone?"

"I've been alone long before I met you, and long before I met James......he was in idiot. But I guess so am I, for thinking he would have ever just ditched me. The one thing rom-coms never tell you about falling in love. How much it hurts when you think you lost them, and then how much it actually fucking hurts when you do lose them for good."

"Yeah....just take care of yourself."

"You both just get the fuck out of my town."

I go over to the truck door, gesturing for him to scoot over. He climbs into the passenger seat as I get behind the wheel. I readjust the seat first, being taller so I didn't need my legs pressed up to the wheel so much, before I drive us the hell out of there.

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