Chapter 9

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(Dipper pov)

I look down at the body of the man I just shot. I can't believe I actually did that. I mean I know I had to, but I still can't believe it. I feel sick to my stomach like I could puke at any minute.

Bill stands up taking the pistol out of my hands and puts it in his waistband. I look at him expecting him to show some gratitude but he doesn't. He just looks more pissed off than I have ever seen.

"......I think I'm going to be sick...." I finally say, just wanting to break the suffocating silence.

"I told you to not follow me down. To stay up on that floor."

"But you're glad I didn't, right?"

"I am just glad that I didn't get my head blown off by a damn idiot."

"No, Bill. I'm not doing this anymore. You have not trusted me once in the last freaking five years. I am not a kid and I'm not an idiot so stop treating me like I am. I have shown I am capable of taking care of myself and here I protected you. How about 'Hey Dipper. I know it wasn't easy, it was either him or me. Thanks for saving my ass.' Do you have anything like that for me, Bill?"

"....we should get out of here."

"Then lead the fucking way."

He walks around the corner finding the stairs that I had used to get down to this floor in the first place. I follow him up the stairs to the next floor, the stairs being too broken to go up more than one floor.

Leaving the stairs behind we walk to an open window that had some scaffolding right outside it. We climb out onto the scaffolding but he instantly pulls me down. On the ground below us are dozens more people, all of them carrying guns. I turn to Bill, seeing by the look on his face that he is already thinking of a plan.

"Alright, I am going to jump down there and clear out a path for us."

"What about me?"

"You are to stay here and I fucking mean it this time."

"This is so stupid. We would have more of a fucking chance if you would let me help."

"I am." I unshoulders the rifle. "Now, are you capable of shooting a rifle?"

"Kind of, I had a BB gun I used when I was 13."

"Well it's the same basic concept." He hands the rifle to me and helps me hold it up. It is heavier than I thought it would be. "Put this right against your shoulder and lean right into that stock because it is going to kick a lot harder than a BB rifle. Now grab that bolt there and pull it back hard." I grab the bolt and pull it back, an empty shell coming out. I push the bolt back again. "Now that means you have a round in the chamber. When you fire off a shot you're going to want to get another one in there real quick. If I get in trouble down there, you have to make every shot count."

"I got this Bill. I won't let you down, I promise."

"Good." He goes to leave but turns back to me first. "And about back there? It was either him or me." He jumps down off the scaffolding.

I find myself smiling slightly. That is the closest thing to an apology that I have ever gotten from him and will ever get from him. "You're welcome."

I look down through the scope of the rifle, seeing Bill light a moltov and throws it at a group of them. I take aim at someone and pull the trigger shooting him. I watch his body fall before I pull the bolt back getting another round in the chamber and taking aim at someone else and pulling the trigger once again.

Movies and tv shows made it seem like the choice to kill someone was a whole lot harder. But it isn't, not really. If I give them the chance they will kill me and Bill, so really it isn't even that much of a choice.

I pull the drigger one last time, watching the last body fall to the ground when I hear Bill's voice. "It's all clear. Come on down."

I shoulder the rifle before jumping down from the scaffolding. I stand up brushing myself off. I walk over to Bill as he picks up a pistol from one of the dead bodies. He gestures to the rifle so I give it back to him. "So? How did I do?"

"How about something a little more your size." He holds out the pistol to me. I grab it but he still keeps a hold of it. "Only for emergencies, okay?"

"Okay." He lets go of it finally and hands me one of the boxes of bullets he keeps on him. I put the box of bullets in my backpack and put the pistol in my waistband.

"Now, the safety is on. Do you know how to take it off?"

"Yeah, I had an uncle who was a gun nut and took me to the shooting range a lot. He thought that since I was quote 'the man of the house' I should know how to defend my home."

"I've heard that opinion quite a lot back home myself."

We go through an empty building but he pulls me down out of sight. Some people are running through the streets but an armored truck shoots them dead. It drives off like nothing happened.

"Oh man....." I quietly mutter.

"There was nothing we could have done."

"I know, but still. Oh man."

"We just have to get the fuck out of here."

We exit the building once the coast is clear. We walk through the alley but I stop seeing a poster advertising one of the Twilight movies. Bill comes up to me.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, just.....thinking of how my sister dragged me to everyone of those horrible movies. Made me want to yell at whoever wrote them. The writing all sucked. It's more entertaining watching a therapist react to those movies than actually watching the movies."

"Yeah, they were pretty bad."

"Did Will make you watch them?"

"No, he didn't. was someone else who dragged me to them. Come on."

I follow him through the alley, having to cross the street to get to the next alley. As we cross the street I see the armored truck coming back. "Bill!"

He grabs my arm pulling me across the street as the armored truck starts shooting at us. We get to the next alley but there is a locked gate and there isn't an easy way to climb it.

We head into the nearest building, climbing up the stairs as we still hear shooting and yelling below us. We get to the top floor and Bill looks out the window before climbing out onto the fire escape. I follow him to the fire escape, grabbing his arm seeing the armored truck below us.

"It's okay, they don't see us up here."

"What do we do now?"

"We should be able to shimmy across the ledge to the next open window."

He slolwy starts to shimmy across the ledge first. I slowly follow him, having to force myself not to look down.

"Are you scared of heights, Dipper?"

"Kind of yeah."

"You're doing great. We're almost there." He climbs through the open window but I see him instantly have to duck and back away as some crazy woman with bright orange hair swings a hatchet at him.

I climb into the window as she knocks Bill to the ground. I grab my knife stabbing her in the arm. She screams in pain before elbowing me hard into the wall before Bill tackles her, taking his pistol out and pointing it at her.

"Bill wait!" I quickly call out to him. He looks confused until I point to the young boy who was standing in the doorway of the room, him having the same bright orange hair, and pointing a pistol at us in his trembling hands.

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