Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

I glance up watching Bill drive, his eyes focused soley on the road. The rain pours down hard outside but he doesn't let it effect his driving. He keeps the wipers going with the headlights on and goes at a safe enough speed. I look back down at the comic in my hands as I turn to the last page and groan at the last panel. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

"What is it?" Bill glances over at me.

"This." I show him the last panel. "To be continued. I fucking hate cliffhangers."

"Are you seriously reading The Walking Dead? When we are already dealing with zombie things?"

"I liked it. I liked the show too. Before they killed Carl at least." I put the comic back into my backpack. "I gotta admit Judith turned into a badass just like Carl was in the comic."

"Where the hell did you even get that thing?"

"Back at Tad's. I mean all that stuff was just lying there unused."

He sighs slightly. "....what else did you get?"

I reach into my bag taking out a tape. "Just the comic and this. The rest was just magazines with dudes posing in underwear. I don't have a use for those."

He takes the tape from me and puts it in the cassette player. Carry on Wayward Son plays through the truck speakers. "That one is a banger."

I look out the window, tracing the trail of the raindroples. "I missed doing this."

"Doing what exactly?"

"Going on roadtrips. My family used to them a lot, before...."

"Before what?"

" dad died of cancer some years before all of this. My mom didn't want us after that. Me and Mabel were sent to Gravity Falls with our freat uncles since they were are closest family."

"Oh....I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I think I liked living in Gravity Falls better anyway. It was a lot more fun and easier to mess with Mabel."

"You should probably get some rest. We've got a long drive ahead of us."

"Can I have a turn at driving at some point?"

"Did you ever learn to drive?"

"I took a driver's training class."

"I'll think about it."

I get comfty in my seat, closing my eyes as I let sleep overtake me.


I wake up feeling the sun shining on my face. Bill stops the truck suddenly causing me to grab the door handle. "Fuck." I hear him curse under his breath. I look ahead of us seeing the expressway is completely blocked with cars. It would take hours of us moving them all to get through.

"What do we do now?"

"Hm...first let me show you how to siphone a car for gas."

He grabs a gas can from the back seat and the tubes Tad gave him. I follow him out of the truck and to one of the other cars. He opens the gas tank on one putting one end of the tube into it. He puts the other end in his mouth sucking in. He turns spitting out gas before putting the end of the tube in the gas can and I hear the gas pour into the can.

"Woah. How exactly does that work?"

"I don't really know the science behind it."

"How do you know how to do that?"

"How else do you think I got from Texas to Oregon while the world was going to shit?" When the gas stops filling the can he takes the can and tubes putting them back into the truck as we both climb back into the truck. "Take the map out of the glove compartment." I open the glove compartment taking out a map. He unfolds the city map spreading it out. "Okay, we should be able to take this road into the city. It'll get us to a different freeway ramp bypassing this mess."

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

He hands the map to me as he backs up and drives off the exit ramp. The city around us looks almost like a complete ghost town. It honestly is kinda terrifying.

"Where the hell is that ramp?"

"Um...." I look at the map in my hands. "I don't really know...."

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know?"

"Don't fucking yell at me. This thing is confusing. There is a reason people rely on their phones to tell them where to go instead of paper maps." He hits the brakes abruptly making me have to put a hand on the dashboard to avoid hitting it. "Easy!"

I follow his gaze to in front of us, a man sits in the middle of the road. He clutches his right side, blood soaked in his shirt and reaches out towards us. "Help me please!"


"Put your seat belt on. Now."

I strap on mine as I see Bill strap his on. "What about the guy?"

"He isn't even hurt."

He stomps on the gas speeding us for the guy. He quickly jumps up getting out of the way. Out of nowhere dozens of other people run out from behind buildings shooting at us, one even throwing a brick and cracking half the windshield.

I feel one of the front tires get blown out sending us crashing through the glass doors of a nearby store.

"I'm okay....I'm okay..." I manage to say mainly through shock.

"Then get out."

I unbuckle my seat belt just as someone opens the truck door pulling me out. I scream struggling as Bill grabs my ankle trying to keep me from getting dragged out but I'm ripped out of his grip and out of the car.

"Let me the fuck go!" I struggle against the man, biting down on his arm. He yells in pain before letting go and backhanding me hard sending me to the ground. Before I can move he gets on top of me, his hands wrapped around my throat. I claw at his hands my legs kicking the ground uselessly as I feel my airways getting cut off.

Bill kicks the guy off, swinging his machete and cutting the man's head clean in half. I turn on my side rubbing my throat and cough harshly.

"What the fuck is wrong with these people?"

Bill grabs my arm helping me to my feet. He pulls me back to the truck grabbing my backpack and tossing it to me. "Catch your breath quickly. We have to go."

I catch my backpack and pull it on as he pulls on his. "Watch out!" I pull Bill behind the truck as gun shots barely miss us.

"Dipper, you see that?" He points to a wall, it broken enough to allow someone of my size to squeeze through and hide in the other room. "I'm going to provide you cover fire. You run over there and hide. When I'm done with these assholes I'll knock on the door three times."


"Just go! Now!" He takes out his pistol shooting at the men. I run to the broken wall squeezing myself through into the nearly empty room except for a desk. I sit against the wall, clamping my hands over my ears trying to block out the gunshots.

A few minutes later it all goes silent. I hear three knocks from the nearby door. I stand up unlocking it and open it seeing Bill standing there, pistol in hand and the rifle slung over his right shoulder.

"Come on. We have to get going."

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