Chapter 8

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(Bill pov)

I keep my pistol in hand as we walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone else.

"Bill, how exactly are we going to get out of here?"

"There." I point to a bridge far off in the distance. "That is where the expressway would have taken us if the road hadn't been blocked. We get to that bridge and we are out of this dump." I glance at a hotel to our right. "I think we can cut through here, get to rooftop and get to the rooftop of the next building. It will be safer than walking the streets like this.

We go to the elevator, the doors already being broken down. The first floor of the hotel is flooded with water. "Um, this might be a bad time, but I can't swim."

I look at him in disbelief. "How did you make it this far and never learn how to swim?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, I just never really learned."

I step into the water before turning back to him. "It's only about knee deep so you should be fine."

He comes into the water after me and follows me up the main set of stairs that lead to the second floor.

"Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?" I look back to see him reading out loud from a booklet. "It runs in your jeans."

"What the fuck is that?"

"No puns intended, volume two."

"Where the hell did you get that."

"It belonged to my sister." He puts it back in his backpack.

We continue up the stairs getting to the third floor. Hearing voices nearby I pull Dipper behind a nearby wall as we see some of the hunters pass. I make sure we stay hidden until we can't hear their voices before.

"Bill, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"How did you know about the ambush."

"I....I saw a lot of people use that technique before. Some who were just desperate, others who just were assholes and only cared about their own survival not caring who they hurt."

".....did you ever do it before?"

"No. Now come on."

I go over to the door for the stairs but it won't open. Instead I turn to the elevators. It takes some effort but I manage to push the doors open enough for us to get in the elevator. I glance up seeing the hatch to get on top of the elevator is open.

I boost Dipper up through the hatch and he reaches his hand down towards me. I jump up grabbing his hand and he pulls me up on top of the elevator before he shuts the hatch.

"Just in case they try following us." He explains seeing my look.

Standing up I look at the next elevator. The floor slightly above it has the doors wide open. "We need to go through those doors."

"Is there any chance the elevators are going to fall with us on top of them?"

"I don't think so, but let's not stand around to find out." I jump to the next elevator before gesturing to Dipper. "It's holding. Come on."

He takes a slight step back before he jumps onto the elevator with me. The elevator shakes slightly with us both on it, but it seems to be holding us still. I boost him up to the open floor above us, but before I can climb through with him, the elevator shakes under my feet before it falls.

I scream slightly before I hit it hard and roll off, falling into a large pool of deep water. I swim up to the surface, coughing slightly. I can barely see anything, it's so fucking dark down here.


"I'm alright, I'm alive. Are you okay?"

"No! You scared the shit out of me! I'm going to try and find a way down there."

"No! You stay up there, and I will find my way back up to you. Is that clear?"

"Okay. Just don't do anything stupid."

"I'll try." I quitely mutter under my breath.

I reach into the front pocket of my backpack pulling out my flashlight and turn it on shining it around. As far as I can tell I fell into the basement. I don't know what infected might be down here and I really don't want to find out.

Looking around I see the only way to go forward is to swim further under. Hold my breath before diving under the water. I swim through flooded basement hallways, passing by dozens of old and bloated corpses. I swim up to the surface of the water as I get to some stairs. I climb up the stairs pushing open some doors.

There is enough light up here for me to turn my flashlight off now. I push open another door, being in a kitchen. I can see the dining area. I also hear more of those assholes.

I duck behind one of the cooking counters hearing one of them approaching. I grab my machete waiting until he rounds the corner before I drive the machete straight through his stomach, clamping one hand tightly over his mouth so no one else hears him. His yells of pain are muffled before he falls to the floor dead. I put one foot on him as I pull my machete out of him and duck down again.

There is only one asshole left. Keeping low to the ground I make my way to the dining area. I look up again but can't see him anywhere. Where the fuck did that asshole go?

I get tackled to the ground, my pistol falling and sliding a short ways away. Glancing back I see the last hunter. I try to get up and get my gun but I feel immense pain as he hits me in the head with his metal baseball bat knocking me back to the ground, feeling like my head was wanting to shatter.

He gets on top of me, pressing the bat hard against my throat. I struggle desparately trying to get him off. I kick my legs uselessly, one hand clawing at him and trying to push the bat away while I try to reach my pistol. I can almost reach it but it's just barely out of reach.

From the corner of my eye I see someone grab my pistol and shoot him. I sit up coughing and gasping as I rub my throat. Looking back I see Dipper standing there, holding my gun and having it aimed at the hunter.

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