Chapter 2

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(Bill pov)

5 years later

I hide behind a desk, machete in hand as I hear one of those clicking fuckers shuffling around. I wait for it to pass by me before I jump out and decapitate its head clean off. I kick its head into the pile of the other corpses. I feel myself jump slightly as the walking talking on my hip goes off.

"Bill? Is everything okay? Over."

I sigh as I pick it up to answer him.

"Yeah. Had to deal with one of the blind ones. What was the name you came up for them again?"

"Clickers, because of that sound they make."

"Sounds accurate." I walk around, stopping as I shine my flashlight on the wall seeing something painted on the wall. "Hey, what was the name of that terrorist group that was attacking the cities a while back?"

"There were a few different ones depending on the city."

"What was the one that had some saying that involved bugs."

"Oh, the fireflies. When you're lost in the darkness, look for the light."

"That's the one. Found more of their vandalism in the pawn shop."

"Can you take a picture of it for the map?"

"Fine." I take his polariod camera out of my bag and take a picture of it before putting the camera and picture back in my bag.

"How many infected?"

"3 on the main roads, 5 inside this building. Probably more if I keep going building from building. I'm about halfway through all of the buildings in this town though and still not coming up with supplies."

"What are we going to do when the town runs dry?"

"I don't know. Scavange further, maybe learn to hunt and set better traps then your sorry attempts."

"It's harder than it looks."

"Either way we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." I open a few cabinets and drawers not finding much. There is some stuff from when shit hit the fam but not much is useful. A box of bullets that was half empty and a nearly bottle of rubbing alcohol. I sigh as I put them in my bag before speaking through the walking talkie again. "Done scavanging here. It's getting dark and I don't want to deal with those things in the dark. I'm coming back."

"Alright, I'll be waiting here then."

I put the walking talking back on my hip before I exit the store and walk along the worn path back through the forest.

The past 5 years have been hard on the both of us. I never planned on partnering up with someone to survive, figured once we were in the clear I would move on. Maybe find someplace that this hell hasn't touched yet. But that plan went out the window a long time ago. Now we're just surviving day to day and it's getting harder. When he got sick I really thought he wasn't going to make it but he's stronger than I give him credit for most of the time.

I get to the shack, admiring how well we boarded up the windows before I go to the door and knock three times, pause, then knock twice more. He opens the door allowing me to step inside before he closes and locks the door again. I set my bag on the counter as he sits on the stool behind it.

"So? Find anything good?"

"Some rags and rubbing alcohol, and a few bullets. Not much of anything. Really wish I had found us some more food instead."

"Now that we have more bullets, why don't we find another gun or at least let me use yours from time to time?"


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