Chapter 5

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(Bill pov)

Taking the key from Tad I unlock Dipper from the handcuff before we follow Tad out the back enterance and through an alley.

"Bill? He doesn't seem eager to help us."

"He's not, but he just doesn't like people. Thinks it's better off to be alone then risk getting hurt because of someone else."

".....kinda sounds like you...." I give him a small glare before looking forward to keep Tad in my sights. "What if we just told him the truth? Maybe he would be more willing to help."

"Or maybe he would kill you. No telling anyone. You know that. No exceptions."

"Okay...." We exit the alley coming to a street, a bunch of abandoned cars sitting around. "Tad, where are we going?"

"Like I said, the car is on the other side of town and it is crazy overrun over there. So we're going to need some more guns."

"Why don't we just fix up one of these cars?" Dipper asks. Tad sighs annoyed before turning to him.

"You really thought I haven't thought of doing that instead of rotting away in this fucking town for five years?"

"Okay need to be a dick."

"Their tires are rotted and batteries are dead. Can't even imagine what the engines look like. Only people making new batteries would be the government if any of them are left alive."

We follow him up some stairs to the back of a church. He opens a cellar door and we follow him down. I make sure to close the door behind us. "You don't touch anyting, brat." He says shooting Dipper a glare as he heads towards some guns on a rack.

I grab Dipper's arm before he can even think about it. "Don't think about it."

"Bill, come on. I need a gun."

"No you don't."

"I can take care of myself if you would just-"

"No. Drop it."

He yanks out of my grip walking a few steps away. "Fine. I'll just wait around for you two to get me killed."

Sighing slightly I go over to Tad as he loads a shotgun. "You're going to get killed with him."

"We've stayed alive this long."

"You're worse than that idiot..." He mutters so quiet I almost don't hear.

"Worse than who?"

"......a....a partner I had....."

"You told me you didn't work with anyone."

"I don't, not anymore. Wasn't the case originally. Had a....a partner, I guess. Someone who I had to look after. But one day I wisened the fuck up and realized that it had to be just me. That I was not going to get killed looking after anyone- hey!" He yells suddenly and I see Dipper back away from a pile of books and magazines. "What did I just fucking tell you?!"

"I was just fixing your stupid pile!"

"Don't! Touch!" Dipper just gives him the bird. He sighs as he finishes loading the shotgun. "You babysit too long and it bites you in the ass."

"Can we just get on with this already?"

"Fine." He grabs a rifle off the wall tossing it to me. I catch it, making sure that there is a bolt in the chamber and that it's fully loaded before I pull the strap over my shoulder. "A few months ago a military vehicle was strolling through, probably looking for supplies. They got overrun and crashed into the side of the high school. I thought it was too dangerous to try and get, but fuck it. Bill needs a car."

"And it will still be there?"

"I guarentee it will be there."

"Then let's go get it."

We follow him up some stairs to the main floor and out the front door. He unlocks a gate before turning back to us. "Beyound here, it's all new territory to me."

He pushes the gate open and slowly make our way through the alley. We stop seeing two strait ahead, one down an alley to our left.

Tad goes after the one as I take out my machete and Dipper his knife. We sneak up on the other two and take them out without any fuss. We follow Tad through more alleys, taking shortcuts through houses until we get to the parking lot outside of the school. Everywhere you look you see more infected waling around.

"Shit...." Tad curses silently.

"What about that?" Dipper points to a school bus near the side of the scool, right by a fence that blocks off the back of the school. "We could climb on top of it, get over and get inside to get the battery without having to deal with most of them."

"There is still going to be a shit ton of them on that side."

"But it's less than the ones out here in the open. At least on that side there is a fence blocking most of them."

"....not bad thinking kid. Come on."

Staying low, we slowly make our way under and around the kids in the parking lot until we get to the bus. I boost Dipper up it the same way we got over the fence earlier. I boost Tad up as well and once he's up there they both grab my hand helping pull me up onto it.

Walking on top of the bus we get to the other side jumping down. I yell as I get pulled down as see a runner under the bus trying to pull me under. Tad grabs my hand pulling me as I try to kick it away.

"Fucking get rid of it already!"

"I am fucking trying!"

Dipper stabs it right in the top of his head with his knife and it goes limp, Tad falling back with me on top of him. We look up hearing the screeches of those things.

"We have to go. Now." Tad says as we both scramble up to our feet.

Dipper runs to the doors and tries to open them before angrily kicking them. "They're fucking locked!"

"Come on." I pull him around the side of the school, finding a basement window. I yank it open. "Go go!" Dipper squeezes himself through it first before Tad.

I manage to squeeze in as well and drop to the ground as Tad fires a shot gun to one that nearly got in. Dipper quickly closes the window and locks it. "That isn't going to hold them."

Looking to the door that is chained and locked we see them trying to burst through. "Dipper, come help with this!"

We both grab different ends of a nearby shelf and manage to push it in front of the door as Tad goes to the truck getting the hood open. We both press our backs against the shelf in more of an attempt to keep those fuckers out.

"Tad, tell me you have the fucking thing already!"

"It's not here...."


"The fucking battery is gone!"

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