Chapter 11

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(Bill pov)

I glance out the window and towards the gate that leads to the bridge. That bridge is our way out of this hell hole. Wendy said at night it's guarded by just a skeleton crew, and from here it looks like she's right.

From the corner of my eye I see Wendy come up to my right. "You couldn't sleep either?" I give a small shrug. "What happened to that watch?" I look down at the broken watch on my wrist. I didn't even realize I had been messing with it.

"I got shot at during the beginning days. It got broke at some point during that."

"It must be important if you're still wearing it."

"Not so much. Just......someone close gave it to me so....."

"A friend or family member?"

"I would really rather not talk about it."

"Alright, my bad. Sorry for prying."

"So it's just been you and your brother?"

"There were more of us. My dad died protecting us when it first happened. Then my older brother got bit as we were trying to get to this QZ. Not knowing what was going to happen he turned and bit my other brother. I dealt with them, then my younger brother, he was a little older than Benny, he stole my gun and.....he was scared of that happening to him. So it's just been us since."

"Why do these people want to kill you?"

"Benny is a diabetic, and I had a hard time getting the medicine I needed for him here. So I had a deal with one of the soldiers. I would inform him of any smugglers or anything like that and he would get me everything I needed to take care of Benny. Then Benny took a bad turn. I had told the soldier about a some people who were plotting to take over the QZ, they felt like the soldiers weren't being fair and whatever. The only way the soldier would help Benny is if I killed one of the people in charge of the rebels as he called them. So I did. The soldier gave me the medicine to help Benny, but the sister of the man I killed still led the rebels and they still overthrew the soldiers killing all the ones who didn't abandon us. Since then I've just been hiding with him and trying to leave the damn city."

"Then why didn't you try this plan before?"

"I love my brother. More than anything. But he is a liability in this world. He can't hear if the infected are coming, he can't hear if anyone or anything dangerous is coming. He can't hear if he's being too loud. I can't trust him with a gun because he won't hear the threat."

"What exactly is your plan once you're out of the city?"

"I want to join the fireflies. I hear rumors about them being out west here."

"But you don't know where?"

"Not really, but I have to try. It's the best I can do for him." I glance back at Dipper, asleep on the couch with the kid curled up at his side. "It's been a long time since I've seen him sleep so soundly."

"Yeah, same......we should probably get going, right?"

"Yeah." She goes over gently shaking Benny's shoulder and waking him up. They sign to each other a little bit as Dipper wakes up. Dipper pulls his backpack on as he and Benny sign to each other a bit before Benny goes over to Wendy. I go over to Dipper, gently grabbing his arm.

"Hey, what were you two signing about just now?"

"Oh, he was asking about this pin." He shows me a pin on his bag. There's fun in no refund. "It was from my great uncle's tourist trap, the gift shop part at least. He gave me the pin when I was like 13 and I have just always worn it on my backpack."

"You weren't talking know?"

"No, I wouldn't tell him that, Bill."

"Okay, I was just making sure."

We follow Wendy out of the room. We follow them down a set of stairs as Wendy pushes the door to the first floor open. Outside the window we can see a two of those assholes standing outside the big metal gate leading to the bridge, both their backs to us. Wendy gets her hatchet ready as I turn to Dipper.

"Stay back with Benny."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Don't start. If this goes bad you have to get him back up to the office and lock the door. You both stay here and wait until I whistle. Keep your gun ready."

"Okay, fine."

Wendy and I crouch down as we both exit the building making sure to stay out of sight. I get my machete ready as we both sneak up behind the assholes, her sinking the hatchet into one of their heads as I do the same to the other with my machete.

Wendy looks around before turning to me. "Think we're in the clear?"

"I don't see or hear anymore of them." I give a sharp whistle as Wendy and I go over to the gate. Dipper and Benny come over as Wendy and I start to push the gate open, until that armoured truck comes around the corner heading for us. "Shit!"

We push the gate open getting Dipper and Benny through. Wendy goes through then I slip through, pushing the gate shut and locking it. The one way to the bridge is blocked by a semi truck's trailer that had a ladder attached at the top.

I give Wendy a boost so she can grab the ladder and climb up the rest of the way. I look back at the gate hearing them trying to get the gate open. "It's clear."

I give Benny a boost up to the ladder, Wendy helping him the rest of the way. I then give Dipper a boost up to the ladder but as he's climbing up the ladder break, Wendy barely managing to pull him onto the truck as the ladder falls to the ground. Shit shit shit!

"Crap." Dipper stands up looking around. "We have to find a way to get him up here."

I look back, knowing those assholes will be here any second. "Just go, now. I'll find another way around."

"We'll meet you on the other side of the bridge." Wendy says, pulling Benny with her.

Dipper looks after her before jumping back down next to me. "We stick together, Bill."

"Come on." We go the the door of a nearby building, both of us slamming our shoulders against the door to get the stupid thing opened. Dipper slips in first and I get in shutting the door just as I hear those assholes getting through the gate.

We go through the restaurant exiting the door on the other side, seeing the bridge in sight just as the armoured truck breaks through the gate. "Run run run!" I shove Dipper forward as we both run for the bridge.

We weave between the cars parked on the bridge, the armoured truck shooting around us. We run around a bus on its side, stopping as I see the other half of the bridge is completely destroyed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I groan.

"We can just jump."

"It's too high and you can't swim." I look back hearing them getting closer.

"There's no time to argue." With no arguing he jumps off the bridge.


I jump after him, crashing into the water. I swim up breaking the surface of the water as I feel the current pulling me further downstream. I swim over to Dipper seeing him struggling to keep his head afloat, grabbing him from behind. My eyes widen in horror seeing us heading for a huge rock, unable to swim against the current to avoid it. I hold onto Dipper tightly managing to turn us, my back and head hitting the rock hard and everything going dark

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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