Take away

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I wrote my heart out only for you to disregard it.Did you even read what I had to say?
Did you understand me? Hear me! Understand me! Let me ask you this, what was the take away? What the hell did you read to make you say, "I still want you, it's just harder to get u now." What don't you get? Why can't you just get it? "anna that paragraph didn't mean shit"
It didn't? Then fucking reread it.
And if you still think it doesn't mean shit then read it again. Read it again, and again, and again.
Read it till it's glued into your fucking brain. Read it till you forget my name, till you forget the girl that sent it to you.
But don't forget this, when I'm talking you better sit down and listen. When I send you something about my feelings you need to read it and find the take away.
Jimmy Neutron lookin ass bitch got me stressing before bed.

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