I'll Never Forget You

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Hands around my waist to keep me from falling into you.
But it's to late cause I'm already into you.
Talking about Hamilton, skipping the swim,
You're something out of a movie with a classic summer camp end.
I wonder if you still have my hair tie.
You never gave it back.
I saw it on your wrist on the last day of camp but I didn't want to say anything cause I needed to avoid you. I had tears in my eyes threatening to fall as I told you goodbye. I heard you asked for my number but the girls didn't give it to you in time.
You had already left.
The first time I saw you I thought you were annoying but you grew on me.
Owen right?
A name glued forever in my brain.
Gosh I will never ever forget you, James.
How classy is that?
Your real name is James.
I called you James a few times and you smiled and said "I kinda like it when you say it."
Damn I like when I say it to.
Don't forget me cause I will never ever forget you.

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