Point the finger, take the blame

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People make mistakes.
But for you to hold something against me and take something away from me, it hurts.
Actions have consequences but please don't let this be one.
I didn't do anything.
It's not my fault.
I'm only a child, there's nothing I can do.
Didn't I tell you how fucked up my life is and now you're gonna fuck it up to.
Both of you.
Both of you are ruining a good thing.
"We can make a good thing bad"
Yes it's a good thing that was turned to shit.
Don't take it out on me.
Don't take something from me because of a mistake she made.
She's sorry. But I'm not. You can't point your finger at her then me and expect it to be okay.
You can't point your finger and
I won't take the blame.

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