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You must be the most aggravating piece of shit known to man kind.
Get the fuck out my personal space and get your nasty ass hands off of my face.
Stop touching me.
I roll my eyes, I tell you to leave me alone, I get visibly annoyed when you talk to me.
Why can't you notice? Why can't you see?
I'm not your friend.
You piss me off.
I don't care about the funny tiktok you saw, leave me alone.
When you talk to me, I could scream.
I want to punch, kick, hit, yell, I want to do anything to get the fuck away from you.
I hate you.
I don't like you.
You're obnoxious and you're clueless.
But you fail to notice these things, don't you?
You just have no clue.

Somewhere in the mind of a teenage girlWhere stories live. Discover now