Remember When

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Remember when I yelled at you for pushing me and him together?
Remember when I asked you to stop using racial slurs around my friends?
Remember when I pushed you for continuously touching me?
Remember when I got mad at you for asking me if it was that time of the month?
Because you fucked everything up, I only associate the negative things with you.
I can't bring myself to talk to you cause of how awful you and your family are.
You're 12 year old sister is a fucking bitch to the only person I can talk to and you just let her.
"You have to actually look like you want to win."
I should slap her in the face but that would go to far.
You laugh as she is mean to him.
He is a better friend than you'll ever be.
At least when I talk to him I can say,
"Remember when we went get popcorn and Mr Jay took half the bucket?" or
"Remember when we went walk to your dad's truck and you made me listen to Cody Johnson?" or I could say "Remember when we danced in that circle at Emily's senior party?"
I have good memories with him.
I can say "Remember when" and say something positive about me and him.

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