Chapter 15

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Chapter 15. Reward Exchange Points

    Everyone began to whisper in low voices, and they didn't believe Xia Yufei's words at all.

    "Why haven't you heard of such a project making so much money before?"

    "That's right, why did you tell us if you really made so much money?"

    "Don't listen to her nonsense, if you can make money, why can't you afford to live? The place is almost gone!"

    Xia Yufei was not in a hurry or annoyed, and smiled confidently:

    "Although the current machine production is completely inferior to manual production in terms of quality and efficiency, if we can develop a growth rate For the short, flat and fast super seeds, changing the primary productive force through creation is our way out!"

    However, this passionate speech did not get a warm response, on the contrary, everyone looked at her coldly, after all, this is for someone who once farmed and knew how to farm. For the villagers, it is simply a fantasy.     The current crops have been genetically modified to produce three times in half a year. This is already the limit level, and no matter how much research and development is done, it is impossible to surpass it. And now that the production is abundant enough, many people are not even willing to choose tedious cooking and eating, and are used to using nutrient solution instead of meals.     There is not enough landfill for the crops that are abandoned every day due to various small problems. Who would invest energy in research and development of crops!     Xia Yufei also understood everyone's concerns, and added:     "This newly developed super seed can not only adapt to all kinds of extreme weather and soil, but also produce fruit with a high sense of satiety, and the balance of nutrients can just meet the daily needs of the human body. And the nutrient solution is also extracted from a large number of crops, as long as we can successfully cultivate the fruit, the yield will be faster and more stable than the nutrient solution, and it will definitely be a big hit!"     This is not Xia Yufei's random nonsense, It was the information introduction written on the system that she saw just now popping up from Gujing.     Originally, she was worried that someone would discover the secret of Gujing, but judging from everyone's reaction, she should be the only one who can see this system.

    The villagers seemed to be moved by her words, but obviously still had doubts and took a wait-and-see attitude. Someone asked aloud: "Then who developed this? Is it reliable? You won't run away halfway?"

    Xia Yufei He said: "It's like this, I have a friend who works in the top scientific research institute supported by the state, but this is a confidential project that has not been made public, but I have a certificate of employment in her laboratory. Now this The research has come to an end and a test field is needed for mass production. As long as everyone is willing to try planting together, I guarantee that the fruits and seeds produced in the future will be distributed to you, which is equivalent to technology shares. Also, everyone can also in the early stage Received a labor fee~"     Seeing that the villagers listened with gusto, they put down their tools one after another, the man in the suit quit, strode forward to interrupt Xia Yufei, and said arrogantly: "Wait a minute, You just listen to the picture of her being a little girl here, talking white teeth and painting big cakes? She didn't even pay back the money owed to our company by her family. But on behalf of the company, I can allocate funds for you to pay for the demolition right now. The only chance is One time!"     As soon as he finished speaking, he was pushed away by Xiaozhi, blocking Xia Yufei.     "Danger! Danger!"     Xia Yufei couldn't help laughing seeing the man in the suit falling on the ground and eating shit, and teased in a mocking tone: "How do you know I'm not on it yet?     " Shock.     Xia Yufei supported Xiaozhi's stocky round head and jumped from the edge of the ancient well to the ground, approaching the man in the suit arrogantly.     "I just took a sum of money from there, and it's more than enough to pay back."     However, Xia Yufei's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the topic changed, "But, why should I give you this money? I told you You, let alone 30 million, I will not give you 3 million! Your company has already set a trap for my relatives, using money to lure her into your well-designed scam, so I will definitely use other The way of man is to treat the body of the person. Using this money to hire the best robot lawyer is to sue black-hearted companies like yours! I advise you to see the situation clearly and leave your job quickly to avoid being imprisoned. In time~"

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