Chapter 25

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Chapter 25. The top secret and strongest support team was established overnight

    The ordinary girl next door in front of her doesn't look very old, and she doesn't seem like a genius scholar who can overcome medical difficulties.

    And look at the dumb, rough robot next to her, it doesn't look like the standard equipment that a cutting-edge scientist should have.

    Facing the man's sharp scrutiny, Xia Yufei swallowed even more nervously, and explained aloud: "No, I'm not a developer, to be precise, I should be regarded as a purchaser, or a middleman? No, it’s the kind of middleman who does

    n’t need money?” The middleman who doesn’t want money?

    This statement is new.

    The leader stared at Xia Yufei thoughtfully, with a slight smile on his lips.

    If it weren't for this tense situation, even Xia Yufei would have been amused by her own words, but after much deliberation, she couldn't find any more suitable words. After all, it is difficult to sum up this matter in a few words.

    While struggling, the leader spoke first. Yichen

    : "You mean, you want to use this new drug to make a deal with us?"

    Xia Yufei was taken aback, and quickly waved her hand: "No, no, you misunderstood! I just want to give this good thing to the country People who are more capable don't want to get anything and it shouldn't be considered a transaction, so they send the medicine anonymously." The

    leader put his hands on the table and tapped the table with his fingertips to exert pressure.

    "It's a good thing that you want to serve the motherland. Why do you need to hide it? The scholars who develop new drugs don't want you to give them to us? Is the developer a foreigner? Or has the new drug been controlled by foreign forces?"

    " No. "Xia Yufei shook her head and sighed, gritted her teeth to cheer herself up in her heart, and told the truth logically from the beginning, "It's actually an alien. At first I was afraid that no one would believe such a thing, so I kept it anonymous, but Now that the situation is special, I am afraid that my strength is too small to hold on, so I have figured out that even if I am misunderstood and regarded as a lunatic, I must hand it over to the country, please be patient and listen to what I am going to say next!"

    The leader's eyes were unclear, and he didn't interrupt her directly. Instead, he looked suspiciously at the girl in front of him again.

    Seeing this, Chen Qianqian immediately gave her a look, and Xia Yufei recounted all the things that had been sorted out according to the timeline.

    After a long while, the leader kept thinking in silence and never gave any response.

    Xia Yufei panicked, and looked at Chen Qianqian for help.

    Chen Qianqian had no choice but to clear her throat again and chimed in:

    "I believe what she said is true! It is not something an ordinary person can do for her to develop this new drug. I believe you know that looking at the whole world, we Human beings still know little about the field of human brain research. How many predecessors in the medical field have spent half their lives and failed to make breakthroughs in overcoming brain diseases. Besides, she has no reason to lie at all. If it is really a foreign team The results of the research, they can monopolize the market with new drugs and make a lot of money, why should they steal such an important thing for us to do research?"

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