
2.4K 57 7

You sighed as you walked into the house. A plate of pasta had been left on the kitchen counter, and you peeled the sticky note left next to it off of the countertop.

We are working, please finish your homework and have something to eat!

You smiled at the note before throwing it out, placing the pasta in the refrigerator for later. You trudged up the stairs to your room to begin your homework as your phone dinged with a notification.


vice prez🙄
did you sort the paperwork before you left?


we meet again tmrw
don't be late
even tho it was funny to see u rush in late lol
with the spilled coffee

that was one time


You scoffed to yourself and plugged in your phone, sitting down to do your homework. You glanced over at your computer. Once, twice... oh it wouldn't hurt to just farm a couple ley lines, right? You powered on your computer and opened your favorite game, savoring the beautiful graphics.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain in your skull made you wince, putting a hand to your head.

"Was it because I forgot to eat...?" You slumped to the ground, unconscious, as your body glitched and began to fade away.


𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 GENSHIN IMPACT. . .











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