Ooh, can we get some sticky honey roast?

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You hummed your favorite song as you walked closer to the city. It truly was imposing in person. The layered tiers made it rise up into a lower layer of clouds, engulfing the spires of the church. A red blur flashed by you, making you roll your eyes. Seriously, another character? I just hope that this one is less crazy-

"Hello, strange yet respectable traveler," A young woman saluted you with a faint grin on her face. On the outside you seemed calm, but you were actually screaming on the inside. Out of all the characters you could have run into, Amber was one of the best! Surely she would help you!

"Hi miss..." you said. "I'm actually looking for the traveler. Do you happen to know where they are?" Amber's face darkened. Looking at you more suspiciously, she placed a hand on your shoulder and guided you on the path.

"Yes, actually. Why, do you need her help?" The her confirmed your guess. Lumine was the traveler in this world. Although, with the way Amber's voice shifted, maybe asking directly wasn't the best idea...

"I have a few questions to ask her," you replied. "I figured that she might be the only one who knows the answers," The look of suspicion in Amber's eyes got even darker, but she smiled down at you as you walked across the bridge.

"Alright kid," she said, stopping at the fountain next to Good Hunter. "Wait right here. I'll... get someone to help you."

"No, really, I can just look for Lumine mysel-" She shushed you with a finger.

"No need. There are some...other people who I'm sure would like to meet you." You frowned at her response as she took off up the flights of stairs. What did she mean by some other people? I just asked to meet with Lumine. Your train of thought came to a halt as you looked down at your clothes, realizing just how out-of-place you looked. What if... do they think I'm something to experiment on? You shuddered to yourself. After hearing what had happened to Collei, you had no desire to have something similar happen to you.

"Ooh, can we get some sticky honey roast?" A high-pitched voice came from behind you, accompanied by a small laugh. You turned and breathed a sigh of relief as you saw Lumine and Paimon walking towards the restaurant. You rushed up to her, tapping the blonde girl on the shoulder.

"Could you help me with something?" You asked. The traveler turned around to you with a small smile.

"Of course! What do you need?" You slightly  lifted yourself up on your toes(sry to all my tall babes), and whispered your predicament into her ear. Her eyes widened, looking at you in shock. "For real?" She asked incredulously. Lumine slung an arm around your shoulder, walking towards the city gates a little quicker than she had been.

"Well, well, well," someone clapped their hands from behind you. "If it isn't the Traveler and Paimon. Oh, and who's this kid?" The arm around your shoulders tightened imperceptibly as the three of you turned around to face the people behind you. Amber, Kaeya, and Albedo stood in front of you, confirming your suspicions. You glanced at Lumine, before leaning up to whisper in her ear.

"I think..." you gulped. "I think that they want to experime-"

"So, how do you know her?" Amber asked, looking at the you suspiciously. Lumine froze for a millisecond, caught off-guard.

"We're... cousins," she blurted out. "They're from another world, like me." The trio narrowed their eyes at you suspiciously, obviously doubting her words.

"For cousins, you look awfully different," Albedo commented, tilting his head. You shuddered.

"I mean, if you say so," Kaeya said, shrugging. "But, I'm afraid that we have to ask her a few... questions before you leave." He smirked at you, and you clenched your fists. "No offense Lumine, but although we trust you, we have no idea what this one may be up to."

"Oh, so is that why you brought Albedo?" You scoffed. "Do you think that-"

"Let's go now," Lumine said nervously. "We have to travel to... Liyue, remember?" The Mondstat knights stared at her blankly, easily seeing through the patchy lie. You rolled your eyes at her. Great job, Lumine. Haven't you already been there? Without a second thought, she grabbed both you and Paimon by the wrists. All of you disappeared in the blink of an eye, making use of waypoints that the others could not.

"Ehe~" a voice giggled from the statue of Barbatos. A short, slightly drunk bard was sitting in the cupped hands of the god, green cape swaying in the wind. "Well now, this ought to be interesting..."

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