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You woke up to a pounding headache that made your whole body feel like a puddle of goo. The whole world was dark, and something had been placed over your eyes. You tried to rub your temples, but your hands strained against some rope and didn't move. You started to panic, struggling and moving around to get free when someone held your shoulders tightly.

"Hey, it's ok. You're safe now..." a familiar voice tried to soothe you, but you didn't calm down. If anything, it made you more panicked.

"No! Get me out of here!" You started to breathe harder, looking around to at least try and see something through the blindfold. "Let me go, let me out, where am I?!" A sigh came from behind you, and then more footsteps.

"Calm down," another voice said, and your blindfold was pulled off to reveal the three men you hated the most. Why did I pull for them... you internally groaned as your eyes darted around, trying to make note of an escape plan.

"Don't try and escape," Xiao added. You rolled your eyes.

"Of course you would say that..." you glared at the trio. "Where are they?"

"Where are who?"

You groaned. "You know who! My friends, traveling companions, the other teens? Where are they?!" The three glanced at each other before huddling together and conversing in whispers. What are you, a sports team?

They turned back to you with a small smile. "They're gone," Zhongli said. You paused.


"I'm sorry," Childe said. "The moment they could, they left you here. Don't worry though, we're still here for you," he gave you a small smile.

"... sorry, did I hear you right?" You shook off your confusion to focus on another important question. "Whatever, but what are you planning to do?" The glanced at each other, confused by how you brushed it off. They didn't see the little clover by the window. I just have to stall them a little longer. Shouldn't be that hard.

"What do you mean, what are we planning to do?" Xiao frowned, confused.

"You kidnapped me," you deadpanned. "Why?" There was a pause, a silence filled with tension.

"You knew who I was," Zhongli said quietly. "You knew I was a god. How?" You shifted in your seat, suddenly feeling more unsafe than you had before. I didn't know that was possible...

"It's a long story..." you laughed nervously.

"We have time," the each pulled up a chair and sat down waiting expectantly.

"I'll sound crazy to you guys! I mean it also might drive you to insanity... but it's really complicated." You saw the top of a red hat through the window, and smirked at the men.

"Kaboom mother-" a loud explosion shook the entire building, dust scattering around the room and making it impossible to see. A sword cut through your bindings as another hand pulled you to your feet.

"Let's go!" Klee whispered urgently, dragging you out of the hole in the wall. You stumbled outside to see the strangest group waiting for you, all with weapons drawn. When Collei saw you, her eyes lit up.

"[Name]!" She shouted, rushing to you. Glancing around, you noticed the one thing everyone had in common. "I gathered everyone I could think of, but-"

She was cut off by a rumble as the ruins of the building shifted and the three men crawled out. "Oh crap," you whispered.

"Plan B!" Sayu shouted, and the group suddenly split into two. You glanced over at the people staying behind to fight, fear for them and yourself making you freeze in place.

Klee, Razor, Qiqi, Sayu, Xiangling, Xinyan, and Bennett stayed behind to fend off the attacks of the three men, while Barbara, Collei, Diona, Dori, Fischl, Noelle, and Yaoyao were with you. "Wait!" You shouted, turning to look at the people next to you. "Why are they staying?"

Barbara grabbed your arm and ran in the opposite direction, the others in your group running to a small wooden trapdoor and flinging it open.

"We have to go!" Noticing your hesitance, she started to climb down first. "Come on! Do you wanna stay with them?" She motioned toward where you came from, and you looked back to see a complete mess. Bombs were flying, rocks were raining down from the sky, and you could barely make out the figures fighting. You winced.

"Yeah, let's go."

monthly update time 🤭🤭
I'll be re-editing the previous chapters after I publish this one so if you see notifications that's why

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