I'm sorry, what did you say??

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You gazed into the distance from the balcony of your hotel room.

"Wow!" You gasped. "This view- it's incredible!" The harbor bustled with life as you leaned over the railing. The gentle breeze pushing the ships back and forth brought the smell of delicious food to your nose, making your mouth water. Turning to Lumi(she had insisted you call her that), you asked if you could get some.

"I second that!" Paimon cheered excitedly, clinging to the sleeve of the Traveler. She sighed and rolled her eyes with a smile as you rushed to the door.

Stepping out onto the street, the three of you were swept away by the crowd. Stall owners shouted at you to buy their freshly baked bread, rice buns, and rare ores. Fishermen hollered at each other, and bags of goods were tossed back and forth over the crowd.

"[Name], Paimon," Lumi shouted, barely heard by the two of you over the crowd. "Do you want almond tofu?" The two of you gasped at the same time. You had always wanted to try the dessert, and here you were, finally getting a chance! When she handed you the jiggly dish, you could have floated into the air.

"This is-"

"So good!" Paimon finished your thought for you. You spotted a head of ginger hair behind the emergency food and quickly angled yourself so you were facing away. You guided the others away from the tofu stall, aiming for the harbor. "Oh, I have an idea," Paimon gasped. "Why don't we visit Beidou?"

"What a great idea Paimon," a voice sounded from behind you. The ginger threw his arms around your and Lumi's shoulders as he laughed. "We should visit Kazu too, while we're at it." Lumi rolled her eyes and looked back at him.

"Somehow I don't think anyone wants to see you right now," she said with a snort. Zhongli and Xiao came up beside you, and you could feel both of them staring at you. The green-haired man smiled slightly at the sight of the sleeve of your new coat sticking out of your bag.

"Now, why is that?" The archon asked, turning to the traveler inquisitively.

"Maybe because, oh... I don't know, he tried to kill everyone in Liyue?" You scoffed, making all three of the newcomers turn to you. It was true that no one wanted to really be around him. The tofu vendor was trembling behind you, and the crowd gave him a wide berth as they all stared and muttered under their breath. Childe placed a hand over his heart in 'shock'.

"Oh my! Did I really try to do that?" He asked, tapping a finger to his chin slowly.

"This isn't a game," you said, shaking your head as you, Paimon, and Lumi sped up the pace. "You could have killed people. Kids, even, like your brother!" He paused at that, frowning at you.

"How... did you know about my brother?" He said slowly. "Only Lumi knows about that, but I know she wouldn't have-" You glanced at your friend, widening your eyes. You two held a quick conversation through 'subtle' hand gestures that went something like this:

What do I tell him? That I'm from another world? That he's not actually a real person?

How am I supposed to know?!

You're 500 yrs old at least, so you should know something to get us out of this mess!

People around you looked at the two of you weirdly, eying you from a safe distance away from Childe.

"That's none of your business," you replied to him, deciding that that was likely the safest option. The ginger scoffed at you, rolling his eyes and smiling.

"You sound exactly like my sister, it's insane," he remarked. "You actually kinda look like her too." Frowning, you glanced at him. What? How could you look remotely like his sister- well, maybe he was talking about your face shape or something.

Waving goodbye, you ended up leaving the three (very dangerous) men in the harbor as you trekked toward the outskirts of the nation. The yellow grass reminded you of the park near your house, sending a pang of nostalgia through you.

"Do you think..." you trailed off. "I'll ever get to go back home again?" It was exciting the first day you had been in this world, giddy off of the high of meeting people you never thought you would, but once the hunger and loneliness set in, it quickly faded away. The two traveling companions turned to you with pitying smiles.

"Of course, [Name]!" Paimon said. She flew over to you and grabbed your sleeve. "Lumine and Paimon will make sure of it~"

"If you managed to get here," Lumi added. "You can certainly get back home. Hey, maybe we can even go there together!" You paused, staring blankly at the path in front of you.

What. Together? I mean, you certainly liked Lumine, but leading her and her immortal brother to a world where there was no magic seemed... well, maybe she hadn't thought of that. Shaking your head, you kept on walking and chatting with Lumine and Paimon. Little did you know, that was one of the benefits of heading back with you.

She hadn't even known you that long, but after seeing all the speculation you got for (kind of) no reason, she wanted to protect you from people like Childe and the Knights.

Protect you forever.

A/N: sorry I took so long you guys, but I've been busy with school and stuff. New updates will come faster i promise :)

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