New Child(e)

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As you sat up, a damp towel slid off of your forehead. You placed the heel of your hand to your forehead, groaning in pain. There was a pounding ache in your forehead, making your vision shake as someone came to support you to sit up. Your bleary vision made out a head of ginger hair, making you jolt upwards, fully awake. A sea of faces stared at you with worry, and you shrunk away into the wall.

"Hey," Childe said gently. "Are you ok?"

"Uh, yeah-"

"I'm Yoimiya!" A voice exclaimed from your other side. Twisting your head, you saw the head of blonde hair that appeared so often in-game, and smiled.

"I'm [Name]." Remembering something, you frowned. When did these two meet? "How do you two know each other?" You asked. The two of them looked at each other and giggled.

"Funny story," Yoimiya began. "We both happened to be in the same spot in Inazuma! I was playing with some kids, he was gathering beetles for his little brother-"

"And we knew we were gonna be best friends!" Childe interrupted merrily. The camera event! Yeah, that makes sense. "Oh, by the way, the others are getting worried about you. You should visit us sometime, yeah?" Lumine shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and for good reason.

"...worried?" You asked skeptically. "They met me once or twice. Actually, come to think of it, you met me once or twice-"

"And we'll be off now~!" Yoimiya cut you off with a giggle. "Childe, you hide Lumine, and I'll take Collei and [Name]-"

"WHAT!" Lumine shouted. What's with everyone interrupting each other? "Why can't we just hide together? Why do you need to take them?!" The woman she was shouting at scratched the back of her head, glancing at Childe to explain.

"They'll expect you to hide together," he said, glancing at you worriedly.

"Exactly, if we split up, they won't expect it!" Lumine scoffed at that statement, before turning to you and Collei with a sad look.

"Hey... be safe out there, ok?" She embraced you tightly. "See you soon." Childe also went in for a hug, stopping as Lumi put her arm out between you.

"No hug...?" She glared at him, and he sighed. "Alright, alright. No hug..." he opted for patting you on the back instead, smiling brightly down at you.

"Bye [Name]! Bye Collei!" Paimon shouted. The three of them then walked (or floated, in her case) out of the room, leaving you and Collei alone with Yoimiya. She grinned and clapped her hands together.

"Time for an adventure!"


You marveled at the sight in front of you, the imposing form of the Kamisato Estate casting a large shadow over where you stood. Collei gulped next to you, and you glanced at her nervously.

"Ayakaaa! You home?" Yoimiya called out. The face of the regal girl popped out from behind a corner, smiling broadly.

"'Miya! You're home!" They ran to each other and hugged tightly, before Collei cleared her throat.

"Ah, don't mean to interrupt, but... who are you?" The blonde girl gasped.

"Oh! I Never introduced you! Ayaka, meet Collei and [Name]. [Name] and Collei, meet Ayaka, the princess of the Kamisato clan!" The woman in question just smiled sheepishly.

"It's nice to meet you two! What brings you to Inazuma?"

"About that... there may or may not be military sections of two different nations chasing after us.." The light haired woman stared at you blankly, before opening the door with a sigh.

"Alright, just follow me. I'm sure we can find you a safe place to hide. My brother and Thoma are away on 'buisness' right now, so I'll have Sayu guard you." A small head popped up from behind a corner.

"Hello!" She said brightly. Yoimiya and Ayaka greeted her as well, then left for you to get settled. As soon as they were outside the room, her face darkened. "Who were you with before this?" Collei glanced at you, unsure of what she was talking about.

"Just the Traveler and Childe, wh-" she was cut off by Sayu snatching the hem of your coat and ripping two small discs out of it.

"Hey! What did you do to my coat?" You asked angrily, checking to make sure it was unharmed.

"Do you know what these are?" She asked, holding up the two small objects. They were glowing a toxic shade of green, and were so small that it was no wonder you and Collei missed them. The green- haired girl went pale at the sight of them, taking a step back.

"Trackers? B-but I thought they hadn't been released outside of the Fatui yet..." you looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"When I was..." she gulped. "Back when I was imprisoned by Dottore, we had one of those implanted into us, so that we couldn't run away. I had to get mine surgically removed." Sayu threw the devices on the ground and stomped on them.

"We don't have much time, they'll be here any minute. Quick, follow me!" She moved a few floorboards out of the way to reveal another secret tunnel. What, are secret entrances and exits trending in Teyvat or something?

"Wait! Who will be here?" You grabbed her wrist.

"Your two 'friends'. The ginger and the Traveler. They were the last two people you came into contact with, and Yoimiya wouldn't put a tracker on you because you're staying with her. Now that they are destroyed, it's only a matter of time before-" the door slammed open, and the three of you instinctively backed up when you saw who it was.

"You're not going anywhere..."

hi guys 😁😁 it's been another month but im back for real this time i promise probably

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