No deal

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You gulped, feeling your throat go dry as your back hit the wall with a sickening thud. Who else but the (quite honestly terrifying) trio of Xiao, Childe, and Zhongli would come bursting into the room, backing you into a literal corner. Sayu turned to you with a fearful gaze, materializing her claymore as she used it to block them from approaching the three of you.

"Stay back!" She warned, pointing the weapon towards them. You honestly weren't quite sure how she was able to carry it, but as long as it kept you safe, who were you to complain? Zhongli stepped forward, holding out his hands in an attempt to be less threatening (spoiler alert: that didn't work).

"Hey, calm down little one. We just wish to talk to our friend [Name].." He trailed off as Sayu glared at him, pushing you and Collei backwards into the wall.

"One thing you need to know..." she moved her hand over her mouth to yawn, before quickly shoving you and the green haired girl into the passageway with a glare at the three men standing before her. "I'M 15!" With that, she jumped down with you guys and pulled a lever to close the exit, leaving the three of you in a tunnel only lit up by the dim green glow of the visions.

You could hear angry yelling from outside as they attempted to break down the door, but with no luck. You winced, pitying them as the angry sound of Ayaka and Yoimiya yelling began. It quickly fades away as Sayu grabbed both of you again and raced off.

"So uh... where to?" You asked awkwardly. Collei paused to think about it, racking her brain for anything she could use. Before too long, her eyes lit up.

"I've got it!" She exclaimed. "If we head back to Mondstat-" You shook your head immediately.

"Have you seen the knights of Favonius?! They'll experiment on me on-sight! I can't go to Sumeru either, because the Matra are the same there..."

"Liyue is where those three came from, right?" Sayu realized. "I don't think these passageways connect to any other nations so... what do we do?" Reality struck you like a thunderbolt as you heard the distant crash of the secret entrance being smashed to pieces. Ha... fitting for the land of lightning, no? You sunk down to the ground and pressed your knees to your chest, burying your face in your arms.

You weren't one to show emotion, even in rough situations. You had thought, stupidly, that this was no different. It was just a game, something you could opt out of any time. Except, this time, you couldn't. Your real actions had real consequences in this undeniably real world. There was probably never a chance that you would see your family or friends again.

Before you knew it, you heard light footsteps approach you. "... hey. What's wrong?" Someone's voice spoke softly to you and you glanced up through teary eyes to see the green glow of a vision. Your vision was so blurry from tears you couldn't make out the person, but judging from the height it was probably Collei. You engulfed said person in a hug and sobbed into their shoulder. You were crying so much it was hard to even notice the scuffle behind you.

"M-my family..." you cried, voice muffled. "I'll never see them again. I'll probably never be able to es-escape here. I don't even know how I got here! And now I'm putting you in danger just by being around me, and it's my fault you had to run away and-" before you could finish, a drug was injected into you and you slumped on the person's shoulder.

Collei's muffled screams echoed throughout the hallway as she was tied up in a corner with Sayu. Both of them tried desperately to escape their bonds to reach you, but in vain. Xiao picked you up in his arms, cradling you gently, while the other adults stared at you with an odd mixture of pity, worry, and happiness. As Yoimiya and Ayaka tried to approach, Zhongli stepped in front of them.

"What are you doing?" Ayaka asked in confusion. "We had a deal! We help you break down the door and we get to rescue them!" Childe smirked as he and the brown haired man backed closer to Xiao.

"Oh yeah? Well, deal's off. See you-" He and the other five people disappeared in a flurry of green and black, making Yoimiya curse aloud.

"Hey, don't worry... we'll get them back!" Ayaka tried to comfort her girlfriend as she rubbed her back soothingly. The blonde only looked up, smiling to herself.

"Those boys won't know what hit them..."

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