Destroying Nilou's dressing room

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You looked up in awe at your surroundings. The massive tree that encompassed Sumeru City stretched far into the clouds, the sight giving you chills. Lumi grabbed your hand excitedly, pulling you along as she showed you the way to where 'some of her friends' were.

"Traveler!" A voice stopped the three of you in your tracks as you all turned around to face the person who was calling Lumi. Paimon gasped, making her classic shocked face as the woman came into view.

"It's Nilou!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" You rolled your eyes. Gee, I don't know Paimon, maybe it's because this is where she lives and works and has her whole life!

The redhead did not seem to be in the mood to chat, as she hastily ushered you on to the marketplace where her famous stage was located.

"What were you thinking? Don't you know that all of Sumeru is looking for you?" She sighed, rubbing her temple. "I know you two wouldn't do something bad, so obviously I had to hel-" She paused, looking at you. "Hey, who's this?" You smiled at her, introducing yourself.

"I'm [Name]. Lumine and Paimon are helping me find a way to get back home."

"They have connections all over Teyvat, you're in good hands," she said warmly. Glancing back at Lumi, you grimaced at her.

"See, that's the thing. I'm not from Teyvat." Nilou's eyes grew wide as she stared at you with what seemed to be understanding.

"Ohh..." she breathed. "So that's why they're looking for you." The three of you glanced at her in confusion.

"Who is?" Paimon asked.

"The Akademiya and the Knights if Favonius," she said calmly, waving her hand like it was no big deal. "I know Lisa used to be one of them, so they have a pact about people that they would like to... study, per say."

"What??" Lumine shouted, causing people's eyes to wander over to you. A marching if footsteps was slowly getting louder, and Nilou shushed her and ushered you backstage. "That's crazy!" She whispered. Nilou glanced back at you again.

"Hide in here, quickly!" She said, opening a secret panel in the wall. "Collei and Tighnari said they'd hide you with them, so go with them once they come, ok?" With that, she left you in the cramped tunnel, the only sliver of light coming from the smallest crack in the wall.

"Nilou," a voice came from behind the dancer. "Have you seen the traveler and a young (h/c) teenager by any chance?" Cyno strode into the room, several Matra following closely behind him. The woman in question turned back to him with a perplexed frown. Huh, her acting skills really aren't a joke.

"No, I haven't," she replied. "May I ask why?" The white-haired man sighed, crossing his arms.

"I mean, if you really wanna know, it's because the teenager is a very important variable in certain... aspects, and the Akademiya and the Knights of Favonius would like to research that in tandem." Nilou's eye twitched, and she smiled stiffly at the man in front of her.

"Well, I am terribly sorry, but I cannot say that I have seen them recently," she said in a polite tone. Cyno scoffed.

"You see, normally I would believe you, he said, just as a hand grabbed your arm and tugged you away. "Except, you were spotted bringing them in here merely five minutes ago.

"Wait, wha-"

"Search the place!" He ordered, the soldiers looking through every nook and cranny. A sliver of shadow caught his eye, and he slid open the panel in the wall to reveal-

Nothing. The space was overgrown with vines and dead leaves, leaving the impression that it was merely an extra storage space that had not been used in a long, long time. Sliding the door shut, he motioned his men to stop the search.

"It seems that there is nothing here," he said to Nilou, who looked outraged at the state of the dressing room. "I'll let you off this time, then. Just let this be a warning- don't go against the law again." As soon as he left, she rolled her eyes at his retreating figure.

Coming from a guy who helped me overthrow the leader of the Akademiya and his disciples, those are some strong words.

As you were led down the dark passageway, narrowly having avoided being landed in jail as a test subject, you turned to face your mysterious test subject. As you got a good look at their face, all three of you gasped.

"Oh my Archons!" Paimon said. "It's -"

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