Lisa's new outfit

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"-Collei!" The floating child gasped. The girl smiled at you, motioning for the three of you to be silent. She tugged all of you along, racing down the dim tunnel. Somewhere along the way, one of your shoes fell off, and the bottom of your sock was soon damp and covered in loose specks of fungi.

One you were further in, Collei let out a sigh and turned to you guys. She
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slowed down and turned to look at you with a grin.

"So, you're [Name], right?" She asked. You looked back at her cautiously, a small smile appearing on your face.

"... yeah. Nice to meet you."

"I'm trainee forest ranger Collei! Although, you probably already knew that." She laughed, Lumi and Paimon laughing along with her, as you paused. You had met her in-game, but never here-

A beam of light hit your eyes from the end of the tunnel, distracting from the internal monologue you were having. To be fair, you did need distracting. After all, only main characters needed internal monologues. The four of you emerged from the damp tunnel, a cold breeze blowing fiercely.

"Sorry," Collei apologized. "Usually it isn't like this in Gandharva Ville. We've been having an odd cold spell recently." You took the coat from out of your bag and put it on, the fur lining making you relax, although a little somber. The trainee forest ranger led you to a house near the middle of the village, and soon enough you found yourself seated on a cushion with a pita pocket in your hand.

"Are they here yet?" A voice called out from behind the front door. A head of green and black hair popped out from the doorframe, and Tighnari entered with more food, this time some bowls of piping hot soup. Paimon gulped hers down and glanced back at the traveler, who sighed and gave her the soup to devour. Tighnari looked at the three of you expectantly as Lumine explained how you had gotten here, how she had met you, and how the knights were after you.

"... still, I don't see why the Akademiya would also be after us," she continued. Tighnari thought for a second, before something seemed to click in his head.

"Oh, Lisa! You know Lisa, right?" The traveler nodded. "She was in Cyno and I's class when we were studying at the Akademiya. We were actually pretty close, so she probably contacted him to-" he was cut off by the sound of a commotion coming from outside the door. He glanced back at Collei with worry clear in his eyes. "You know where to hide them," he said quickly, grabbing a large messenger bag and thrusting it into her hands. "I think they're here."

Collei widened her eyes and motioned for you to follow her, going to the very back of the house where there was a window left slightly open. She hefted the window up and carefully closed it again after you left. The four-leaf-sigils let you travel faster away from the village, sending a tingling feeling up your spine when you used them.

Tighnari's POV

A knock sounded at the door, and Tighnari took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He slowly opened the door, stepping outside quickly before closing it shut behind him. He reached a hand behind his back and clicked the lock. He was greeted by a pair of red eyes, Cyno staring him down. Lisa was next to him, smiling as she hugged the green-haired man.

"Tighnari!" She exclaimed. "It's been ages since we last saw each other!" She twirled around, letting the flowing skirt billow around her. "It's been so long since I've worn an Akademiya oultfit. I might start wearing it to work!" She and Cyno laughed, and Tighnari forced himself to laugh with them. His hand fidgeted with the door lock, locking and unlocking it. Without warning, Cyno pulled him aside as Lisa busted open the door to his house.

"What the hell?!" He shouted, struggling against Cyno's grip. "You better pay for that!" Lisa touched a hand to the side of her forehead as her eyes started to glow. Immediately she glanced out the window, knowing exactly where they had gone.

"Cyno!" She called out. "They went this way!" The person in question looked back at the green-haired man apologetically.

"Please, don't do this," Tighnari said desperately. "They'll strip away Collei's status as my trainee. Who knows what they'll do to her!" Cyno pressed a small kiss to his forehead.

"I'll make sure she doesn't gt hurt, okay?" he said softly, looking back at him one last time before jumping out the window after Lisa, who was already running in the distance.

Your POV

"We're almost there," Collei whispered. "There's another tunnel like the last one across this bridge, and we can use that to get to Inazuma. It travels all the way across the ocean, and I know some people there who can help you."

"Great!" Lumine said quietly, glancing back one last time before freezing up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," a voice called from behind you. "I don't really think you should be going anywhere." The four of you turned around to see the same people people that you had encountered in the city, and Collei's eyes widened.

"A-amber?" she managed to get out. The outrider froze, looking anywhere but her friend. "What are you doing here?"

another cliffhanger 😱

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