Chapter 6

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Malina PoV

Ugh... why did I have to drink so much? Stupid vodka being so close to me...

Opening my eyes I glad there isn't any bright lights around... wait I normally pass out infront of my tv.

My vision finally focuses and I see black hair infront of me. Wait thats right I fell asleep in Y/n's bed. Which means...

"crap." I mutter as I feel my face heat up.

He wont read into this. I think he wont atleast. Sighing I just lean my head against the back of his. At least we aren't facing each other, it'd make it more awkward.

Now that im proper asssessing the situation my hands feel like somethings pressing against them. I manage to move my hand and grab whatever the soft thing is, and it was squishy and warm.

As I am squeezing whatever the soft thing is I hear a groan. "stop it... perv..."

Wait was that Zdrada?!

Lifting my head and looking past Y/n I see Zdrada with her head against his chest sleeping.

Why is she sleeping with my Y/n!? Wait my Y/n?! I didn't just think that... no I don't like him... I like alcohol.

Though Zdrada cuddling Y/n didn't sit right with me... not like I wanted to be cudlding him by myself or anything, or wanted his arms wrapped around me like that. Feeling safe and protected in his arms as my head rested against his chest with his heart beating in my ears. Who'd want that?

"lucky bitch." I whisper as I rub my face against the back of Y/n's shoulder and pull him towards me more.




Y/n PoV

Chicken, one of the best meats. Twenty-three chicken strips just for me. I couldn't help but smile as I picked the first one up out the box. The smell of fried chicken hit my nose as I felt chicken warmth in my hand, it was still hot, but it's not like I ever wait for it to cool down.

Biting into it, sure enough I should have waited for it to cool down, ignoring the familiar burning sensations. The delicious taste of fried chicken floods my mouth. A noise of satisfaction leaves me as I chew and swallow the chicken.

Looking around I see everyone staring at me. And so I pull my chicken closer to me. It's mine!

"Are you really gonna eat all that?" Lucifer ask sounding skeptical.

I nod. I never eat all the chicken in one sitting. It's a process that happens throughout the day.

"How do you eat that much food?" Modeus ask me.

"Yeah, kinda makes me jealous you can eat so much and not gain alot of weight." Justice says.

I noticed Cerberus was staring at me like they wanted food. They'll starve. Their attention is diverted when brother pushes three boxes infront of them and their eyes light up when they open them to find chicken.

The other began eating aswell. I glanced over at Malina then to Zdrada. They have stopped glaring at each other to eat. Ever since the three of us woke up they seemed to have a problem with each other. It was bothersome.

Malina seemed to have been the one to start it. I left to get a drink and when I returned to my room Zdrada was glaring at Malina, I think they argued about something when I left.

I hope its not for the reason I think. Things of that nature are bothersome.




I sat with Justice and Judgement. The two were nice. I think they had a thing for each other too.

"Who's winning?" Justice ask.

"Rhea Ripley." Judgement tells her.

Oh yeah we were currently watching WWE. Rhea Ripley is a strong woman. Attractive too. If only I didn't have my sights on two, or had a chance with her.

Rhea was currently fighting a woman named Ronda. Honestly I wasn't particularly paying attention to the fight.

"Who do you like more Six?" Justice ask getting my attention.

"Rhea." I tell her.

"Oh... I was talking about Malina and Zdrada." Justice says.

"oh." I quietly say,

"Are you gonna answer?" Judgement ask.


"I don't he's gonna." Justice says with a chuckle.

She was right I refuse to answer that question. Not like I was going to have too anyways.

"And down Ronda goes." The announcer on the tv says.

(btw I know nothing WWE. I only know Undertaker because I liked him when I was a kid.)

"Six do you watch porn?" I hear Modeus ask form behind me and I shake my head.

"Do you jerk off?" She ask next and I shake my head.

"Do you have a sex doll?" She ask and I shake my head.

"Why are you asking all these questions?" Justice ask her.

"Curious." Modeus tells her. "How big is your dick?"

I ignore that question. She didn't need to know the answer. Infact no one needed to know that.

"Fuck me!" I hear Malina shout.

"Well Six that's your cue." Justice says patting my back.

Ignoring the way the comment was intended I got up and headed towards the room Malina was in, which happened to be her room. I have never been in there before.

Walking up the stairs I head to Malina's room, which had a sign on it saying 'no smoking'. Though the one who the sign was intended for never listened to signs of that nature.

I knocked on the door and entered not waiting for an okay. My eyes saw the sight of a near drunk Malina about to throw her controller at the tv. I quickly make my way over and grab the controller as soon as it leaves her hand.

Malina looks up at me a scowl on her face, but her eyes tell she's not really upset with me.

"Can I have that back?" She ask refering to the controller.

"Will you throw it again?" I ask.

She crosses her arms and looks away. I sit down beside her and look at the tv. She was playing Warframe? Was she really having a hard time with this?

"What's the problem?" I ask as I start playing the game in her stead.

"Stupid messa chasis wont drop." Malina grumbled.

Oh... I can see how that can be frustrating.

"Do you want me to help you grind for it?" I ask.

She stares at me suprised for a moment.

"Sure... not like I need the help or anything." She tells me with a blush.





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