Chapter 15

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"Six how are you, Zdrada and Malina doing?" Lucifer ask me as she stared at a few apples.

I don't know why she was staring at the apples since no one in the house would eat them. The demonesses diet consist of normal or chocolate covered pancakes, the variety in food comes mainly from me.

"No one eats apples." I tell her. "Zdrada and I are fine, Malina is coming up with an apology."

"Thats good." Lucifer said moving her eyes from the apples. "You're good for Malina's drinking problem."

"Am I?" I ask her.

"Yes, she drinks noticeably less when with  you, and her anger is better controlled." Lucifer states.

I hum in reponse as we head down the isle. Lucifer was muttering about things we need and things we may need.

While walking I spot something I wanted pepperoni. I pick it up and put it in the shopping cart.

"Pepperoni's. Cerberus was wanting pizza tonight." Lucifer said. At that mention I throw a pepperoni stick into the cart, for me.

"Six." Lucifer said and I glanced at her seeing her looking nervous. "Is it okay if I call you Y/n?"

I stare at her for a moment before nodding. I guess she can. She's been nice to me and is decent, better than Zdrada just deciding she could. Zdrada gives me cuddles though so she's fine.

Looking back at Lucifer I see a happy glint in her eyes and a small smlie on her face. Well she's happy with my decision, guess that's a positive.




"Space ninjas." Zdrada stated. "This game is just space ninjas."

I nod as I watch Malina's Messa warframe shoot a bunch of corrupted corpus. We were currently fourty minutes into our second mission grind for Vorunna. I have the blueprints for perigale, nothing else though.

"Who are you even playing with?" Zdrada ask putting her feet on my lap.

"Malina." I answer not taking my eyes off the game.

Zdrada makes some noise of suprise... I think thats what it was. She eventually ask something with an edge in her voice. "Do you usually play this game with her?"

"Yes." I answer.

Zdrada grumbles something and moves her feet from my lap and sits beside me. As I feel her warm breath hitting my ear she whispers, "You don't mind... teaching me how to play... do ya?"

"I can." I tell her. "Malina should pass out in an hour, like usual."

Zdrada hums putting her feet on the table and an arm around me. Wonder what warframe she'd like.

Sure enough after an hour Malina's character had stopped moving and she wasn't responding to any messages. And so I turned to Zdrada and pointed to the computer.

"Get on Warframe." I told her. 

Zdrada grumbles but does it nonetheless and elects to use the controller I have connected to the computer. I guess it would make sense if she had been paying attention to the buttons I have been pressing on my controller.

"You have to do the first part alone then I can help you." I tell her.

By help I meant only step in when she was in trouble. She needed to learn after all.

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