Chapter 14

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Y/n PoV

Waking up I can feel warm breath against the crook of my neck. Blinking I look down to see white hair and a pair of black horns. Zdrada.

My hands were warapped around her waist underneath her unbuttoned shirt. Our limbs were tangled together resulting in there being no way I can get out while she slept, well her arms were also wrapped around me. One thing I could note was that her hands are soft, one of them had managed to slip under my shirt and now rest on my hip.

Her nails were slightly digging into my hips which I didn't entirely mind. Due to her face being against the crook of my neck I couldn't see her face. I wonder how her sleeping face looked like. Would she be like a aggressive sleeping beauty? Likely, yes.

Hearing a soft groan I feel Zdrada tighten her hold on me and her nails dig a little deeper into my hip.

"Zdrada?" I ask softly.

"Shhhh.." she responded  nuzzeling her face into my neck.

"I'm hungry." I tell her.

"I'm more important than food." Zdrada said sleepily.

I wanted to protest but....

"You're getting me more food later." I whisper to her.

"yeah yeah." She said sounding like she was seconds away from going back to fully sleeping.




"Y/n." I hear Zdrada say. "Wake up..."

Slowly opening my eyes I see Zdrada looking down at me. How did she escape the hold?

"Come on, you must be hungry." She said nudging me. "Also could you let go of my leg?"

Looking down I see that my legs were wrapped around one of hers.

"Food?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'll get you food." Zdrada told me. "Now let go, it's asleep and I need to put my pants on."

Slowly I unwrap my legs from her one leg. I lay my eyes on her bare leg and thought one thing. "Your legs are nice."

She muttered something in response before throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. She seemed to start buttoning her shirt so I got out of bed and went towards my dresser to look for a hoodie.

Sifting through all my hoodies and jackets I finally find one I am happy with. It was a mimikyu hoodie. The pokemons face was on the hoodie along with the ears, and the tail was on the back.

"You like that pokemon don't you?" I hear Zdrada ask and I nod.

"It's my favorite." I tell her.

"Guess I got you a good plush then." Zdrada chuckled.

I turn around and look at her. Did I thank her for that? I don't remember. Walking towards her I see her look up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" She asked while reaching for her pants.

I pick the pants up and hand them to her before bending down and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you." I whisper to her before standing up and leaving my room while putting my hood up.




"Sweetie put your hood down at the table." Mom told me and I turned my head away.

Instead of listening I tried to stab some more scrambled eggs with my fork, however Mom took the plate away. "Hood. Down."

I stared at her as everyone stared at us. The lights flickered for a moment before I feel my hood being pulled down.

"Stop being difficult Y/n." Zdrada said.

I looked over at her with a pout and hit her arm lightly. She rolled her eyes as Mom put my plate back down.

Everyone was starring at me now. Great. I angeled my head down as I went back to eating trying my best to cover my face.

"What color are his eyes?" I hear Azazel ask.

"Brown." Zdrada answered.

"Is he embarassed about showing his face or something?" Judgement ask.

"I dunno, but he shouldn't." Malina said from beside me.

"Six can we see your face?" I hear Lucifer ask nicely.

Hesitantly I look up at her. Pandemonica was the first one to ask something. "How do you even see with all the hair in your face?"

"Justice do you have a hair tie?" Zdrada asked.

"Sure, here ya go." Justice said handing her one.

"Y/n." Zdrada said and I backed away. "Someone grab him."

However before any of them could Mom had made her way behind me and put my hair up like hers.

"How did you do that so fast?" Judgement ask her.

"I do my own hair and its much longer than my boys." Mom said.

I reached up to undo it, but she pulled my hand away.

"He's cute." Pandemonica said. "How tiring."

Getting up I quickly leave the room. Why are people calling me cute? It's embarassing.


Malina PoV

Leaving the room I walk into the mainroom and see Y/n undoing what his mom did to his hair. I don't think he liked Pandemonica calling him cute, though I have to agree with her.

"Hey Y/n." I say sitting down beside him and he looks towards me as his hair falls back over his face.

"There was an update to Warframe.... so do you maybe want to grind the new warframe... together?" I asked him.

After a moment he answered. "Sure."

An awkward silence fell between us. The matter of what I did still needed to be addressed. Guess I could start by apologizing...

"I'm sorry for... you know..." I nervously scratch the back of my head. "I shouldn't have did that to you."

"Food." He responed.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Give me food, and I will forgive you." He told me.

That easy?

"You still have to make up with Zdrada though." He told me as he got up and left.

"Hey Six wanna work out with us?" I heard Judgement ask from the hallway, but I don't know what his answer is.

"Do you want to come shopping with me?" Lucifer ask. "We need to restock somethings."

The next thing I know I see Lucifer and Six walking towards the front door. Well now I have to think of what food to give him. Maybe I could cook something... no I am a terrible cook.

"You know cooking something yourself will have more effect on my son." Josei said appearing behind the couch scaring the crap out of me.

"Stop appearing everywhere!" I yell at her.





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