✧Chapter 8: A human needs love

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Urokodaki had said that final selection would be held in about two months from then so until the time comes, you three only had the responsibility to re-go over everything and make sure that his lessons were truly hammered into your skulls.

And since you weren't spending every single minute of the day learning new things or trying to cut in half a humongous boulder, you tried using your spare time for other things that you didn't get to do.

Here lately all three of you were practicing ASL a lot more.

Since when you three went into final selection, you'd need to communicate to alert each other of any danger, you needed to be able to go into more detail and have more context when you communicated.

Sometimes learning and remembering certain signs were a pain in the ass, but regardless, you tried.

Sabito and Giyuu worked really hard to remember the signs too.

Giyuu even went as far as learning how to sign with you too.

Sabito felt bad so he learned too.

It was so nice to see all the effort they were putting into it because of you.

It was truly amazing.


You three were currently reviewing directions and angles right now.

Those were mostly going to be used in battle.

"My throats so dry" Giyuu carried out the "Y"

"Yeah me too, hey why don't I go get us some water?" Sabito offered as he was getting up anyways.

You nodded your head and Giyuu gave a little thumbs up.

"Okay, uhm... show me a random direction and I'll see if I can remember it."

You signed for the term "Upper left corner"

Giyuu had to watch your hands carefully before it clicked in his brain.

"That issss... 'Upper left corner' right?"

You nodded your head vigorously.

He did a little smile.

Sabito came back into the room with ceramic cups filled with water.

"Hey, once we're done reviewing, we gotta go make lunch" Sabito said as he sat back down.

"Sorry, but doesn't Urokodaki-sama do that for us?" Giyuu questioned.

"Yeah, but he's out right now, I saw his note he left on the table."

"Where's he gone?" Giyuu asked.

"He's out visiting an old friend of his" Sabito held up the note Urokodaki left them.

He handed it over to Giyuu and you leaned over his shoulder to read it too.

Giyuu just hummed.

"Alright, well my butt's sore from sitting on the floor for so long so lets go make lunch" Giyuu said.

You got up too and walked with them both over to the firepit.

You were very good at cooking, so Giyuu and Sabito's jobs were to set the table and hand you any ingredients when need be.

Once everything was done and prepared for, you three sat down and ate.

After lunch, you all didn't really know what to do.

You had already done all your basic training and stretching for the day.

"Okay, well I'm going to go on a walk, does anyone want to come with me?" Sabito stated.

~✧𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣✧~ [ON HIATUS!]Where stories live. Discover now