6. Mi-Sun makes the first dinner

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As Mi-Sun sat on the other end of the couch, she looked a bit nervously about her, at the five boys who had somehow managed to snuggle up together at the other end of it, the tallest one among them was still standing.

She had met that one earlier in the day and now she was here with little Ji Min in her arms, ready to face their queries.

"You can keep your bag down." The one who looked the youngest had said to her. He sat squeezed between Hoseok and Jimin.

Hoseok and Namjoon both had thrown him an exasperated glance at this point, while Yoongi had just sighed.

As the introduction was going on, Mi Sun wasn't exactly sure how and why the ruckus had started.

The two of them were embroiled with each other, one was cheering them on, one had stood up to manage the matters, one looked done with them while the other one had looked done with his life.

It was then that Mi Sun had held out little Ji-Min, to make clear to the boys that she was speaking of her baby, Ji Min.

Lee Ji Min and not Park Jimin.

As the boys stood mesmerized at the sight of her, she read each one of them for a few seconds and concluded that she can trust them with Ji Min's and her safety.

"When can you start working, Noona?" Yoongi asked her as things settled down again.

"I can start with preparing the dinner right now." She wrapped Ji Min nicely again and cradled her in her arms and replied to him.

"That's great, Noona. What all can you make?" Junggook asked her, cautious not to use his usual blaring tone.

"Whatever you guys want to eat. You can tell me now and I would start. Just show me the kitchen area." She stood up and placed Ji Min on the couch.

"I hope I can let her sleep here."

"Definitely Noona, she will be fine here." Hoseok picked up two cushions and placed them around Ji Min.

"Let me show you the kitchen." Yoongi lead the group.

"So, you agree to both my conditions?" Mi sun asked him.

"We do." Yoongi replied.

"Ji Min usually sleeps and don't worry I will just eat whatever is left over after you guys are done eating."

"No, Noona, you will not!"

Everyone looked at Namjoon.

"You cook for seven people and you will eat with us." He replied. 

Mi Sun looked around the kitchen approvingly and asked the boys what they want her to prepare.

"Chicken stew.."

"Kimchi fried rice!"


"Kimchi soup.."

She got bombarded with requests from all directions, she looked around at the faces around her till her eyes rested on the one who hadn't said anything yet.

"Jjajangmyeon, but not spicy!" The boy with the boxy smile said somewhat shyly.

Mi-Sun nodded and immediately set out to work.

Yoongi showed her where the pots, pans, spoons, cutlery, spices etc. were kept.

Mi-Sun looked about her, it was a nice spacious kitchen and it had everything that she required. Everything nice and proper.

She washed her hands, tied on the apron and along with Yoongi and Hoseok got the things from the pantry and refrigerator and set out to prepare the dishes.

She urged them that they can leave her on her job, so Hoseok and Yoongi moved to their respective rooms.

After about a hour and half she knocked on the doors and called everyone to gather around for dinner and the boys began piling up one after the other in the lounge, where she had set the dishes and cutlery on the lounge table.

Ji Min was still soundlessly sleeping. That's what she loved about her baby the most. She slept most of the time and didn't bother her much. Ji Min was a happy healthy baby.

"Noona! Come here!" She was standing in the kitchen when Jimin called out to her.

Jimin and Taehyung made space for her to sit between them. She sat down a bit hesitatingly and watched the cutlery click and plates and bowls fill.

She served the maknaes and as they all took in the first bite, the happy contented smile on the boys' faces conveyed to her that they have accepted her cooking.

Almost everything was eaten till the last morsel.

Boys helped her clear the things. She did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and picked Ji Min up in her arms, wished them all a good night and left.

It was after a long time that Mi-Sun's belly was fully filled with a hearty meal.

It was after a long time that Mi-Sun's belly was fully filled with a hearty meal

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